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Palin Revamps Website, Reignites White House Rumors  

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin reignited talk about a possible 2012 run late Monday after her political action committee, SarahPac, debuted a revamped version of their website.

The site previously featured a simple picture of Palin, a link to donate and a submission section for her email list. Now, it includes multimedia, the text of her Facebook statements and a section dubbed “Setting the Record Straight” where she responds to unfavorable news coverage.

Palin was brought into the national spotlight in 2008 after John McCain brought her onto his Presidential ticket as a Vice Presidential candidate. Although she garnered controversy for a series of gaffes, she was widely acknowledged to have given the campaign a needed shot in the arm and was considered a likely 2012 frontrunner. 

However, after signing on to a reality television program and failing to go through the typical motions of a White House hopeful, speculation appeared to have died down in some quarters.

A new ABC/News Washington Post poll puts Obama ahead in a possible 2012 matchup by 55 percent to 38 percent.

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