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Former Presidential Candidate Bashes Palin's Brains

Sarah Palin will run for President in 2012, but her lack of intellect will prevent her from winning the Republican nomination, said former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel (D).

“Oh, there’s no question about that,” Gravel told ABC News’ Rick Klein today in response to his question of whether or not Palin will run.

Gravel, a longshot presidential candidate in 2008 who served in the U.S. Senate from 1969 through 1981, elaborated on his initial statement.

“I don’t think she’ll get the nomination, but she’ll be a meaningful candidate in 2012. She’s a very talented political person. Intellectually, I think that leaves to be desired. But from a political, outright, gifted person — I don’t know of anybody better on the scene other than Obama.”

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