Southern Sudan: Results Show Nearly Unanimous Vote For Independence
Virtually every voter in Southern Sudan’s January 9th Independence referendum cast their ballot in favor of seceding from the North, according to results released by the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission on Friday. The Commission’s most recent count was at 98.7 percent in favor of independence.
With the independence referendum accepted as most observers expected, the focus will not be on other issue that are harder to manage.
In the months and weeks leading up to to the vote, tens of thousands of Southern Sudanese who had been displaced by years of fighting returned South, often to areas along the border with the North. Southern Sudan remains one of the poorest regions in the world, and some aid groups have voiced concerned that a large influx of internally displaced people could put a strain of the new state’s already weak infrastructure.
The new state and the government of Sudan in Khartoum will still have to deal with a number of unresolved issues in the coming months, including oil revenue sharing, citizenship and the status of disputed areas like the Abyei border region, where violence broke out during the voting.

VA Gubernatorial Race Not Indicative Of Changing National Mood
Joseph Figueroa at the University of Virginia's Center for Politics says that today's Gubernatorial elections in Virginia and New Jersey and the Congressional election in upstate New York reflect little on national political trends. Figueroa's sentiment conflicts with Republicans who believe that GOP victories in the three races would serve as a referendum of sorts on the job performance of President Barack Obama.
“You really have to take the results for what they are, as a reflection of the campaign that the two candidates ran,” said Figueroa, referring to the race for governor in Virginia. “I don’t think you can really extrapolate a whole lot in terms of national or even state trends because Virginia is a purple state, and it’s gonna remain so for a while.”
In Virginia, polls suggest that former state Attorney General and Republican candidate Bob McDonnell holds a double-digit lead over Democratic candidate Creigh Deeds. In New Jersey, the race between incumbent Democratic Governor John Corzine and his challenger, Republican Chris Christie, remains deadlocked.
“New Jersey is a blue state - it’s dark blue,” Figueroa said. “It’ll be interesting to see because Christie did have a bit of an upswing in the polls at the very end there. But it is a deadlocked race. That’ll be the one to watch tonight.”
In New York’s 23rd Congressional District, Republican candidate Dede Scozzafava dropped out of the race after being outpolled by Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman. She has since endorsed Democrat Bill Owens.
“A lot of the people who were inclined to support Scozzafava because she’s running under the Republican banner may not be so quick to vote for Owens because of their own ideals,” Figueroa continued. “It’s gonna be really interesting to see - they have a very difficult to decision to make.”
The polls close in Virginia at 7 p.m. tonight. In New Jersey, the polls close at 8 p.m. and in New York, they close at 9 p.m.