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Entries in John (8)


Senator John F. Kerry speaks at Climate Change Hearing

Sen. John Kerry speaks at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Climate change and says that, “We need a transformation in public policy thinking to embrace the reality of what science is telling us.” We need to come to terms with the implications of the climate problems that we face because the consequences will be catastrophic if we don’t.(0:47)

by Suzia van Swol, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service

Climate Crisis: Al Gore says that the time for action is now. 

“We need a transformation in public policy thinking to embrace the reality of what science is telling us, accept its implications, and then act in accordance with the full scope and urgency of the problem,” said senator John F. Kerry at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today. The committee met to hear testimony from Al Gore concerning what America should be doing to address the climate crisis.

Kerry said, “Some may argue that we cannot afford to address this issue in the midst of an economic crisis. They have it fundamentally wrong. This is a moment of enormous opportunity for new technology, new jobs, and the greening of our economy. We can’t afford not to act.” Senator Kerry stressed the importance of America taking a stance on caring for the environment with a new administration that will finally be supportive of these efforts.

Former Vice-President Al Gore said that “We have arrived at a moment of decision. Our home-Earth- is in grave danger. What is at risk of being destroyed is not the planet itself, of course, but the conditions that have made it hospitable for human beings.” Gore expressed concern that people seem to think that the planet and our way of life has to be a choice, when in fact, “solutions to the climate crisis are the very same solutions that will address our economic and national security crisis as well.”

by Suzia van Swol, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service

Young College Conservatives Take to the Denver Streets

by Jessica Sall

Supporters of Presidential candidate John McCain arrived today at the Colorado Convention Center. They attempted to be heard by protesting against the Obama campaign. “We want to support our candidate,” stated protest leader of the supporter group, Charlie Smith, referring to Sen. John McCain.

“It’s a good thing for us to have the alternative view point out here,” Smith said, “As people become more familiar with Obama, the celebrity aspect of him will pass.”

The McCain supporters consisted mostly of college students from around the Denver area. “There’s a lot of youth support of McCain that doesn’t gets out there,” said Smith. According to Smith there will be other McCain supporter groups waking around downtown Denver with McCain signs, trying to get their message out. They will stay the length of this convention before continuing to the Republican National Convention next week.
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