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Entries in Dream Act (4)


Dems Fight For DREAM Act

by Kyle LaFleur

Democratic members of both houses joined the Secretary of Education and Homeland Security Wednesday to rally Congress to vote on the Development Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act before the end of the lame duck session.  

The DREAM Act would allow minors under the age of 16 whose parents are undocumented immigrants to gain a path to citizenship provided they complete high school or reiceve a GED, have lived in the United States for at least five years, are of good moral character and plan to either attend an American university or serve in the military for at least two years.  

“This is in the interest, not just these young people, not just in the interest of their families and their communities, this is in the nation’s interest,” said Education Secretary Arne Duncan. “We need their ingenuity, we need their creativity, we need their entrepreneurship skills, we need them to help lead the country where we need to go educationally.”

Critics of the bill have argued that it is just an amnesty plan disguised as an education bill.

“I want to make it absolutely clear, this is a very tailored and structured piece of legislation,” said Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.). “So tailored and so structured that if you’re 10 years old today and have only been in the country four years, you do not qualify for the DREAM Act.”

Gutierrez went on to point out that beneficiaries of this legislation would not receive pell grants, health care or government assistance if they chose to go on to college. He also added that those choosing to enlist in the military would be paying the ultimate tax to the United States. 

“That is the tax of our blood, of our life and our limb in defense of this nation,” said Gutierrez.  

Democratic leaders have called for the vote to be held Wednesday as they scramble to gain support on both sides of the aisle. 


White House Officials: DREAM Act Is Good For U.S.

By Ji Hyun Yoo

Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke, White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs Cecilia Munoz, and three college administrators held a conference call Friday to discuss about needs for DREAM Act to be passed. 

“DREAM Act is priority for Obama Administration and it’s incredibly important piece of legislation,” reported the White House official during a conference call. 

“DREAM Act is not only just an important opportunity for the students who would likely to affected by DREAM Act if we can get is passed, it’s also in the economic interested of the country,” Cecilia Munoz added. 

Gary Locke, Secretary of Commerce, urged Congress to take an action for DREAM Act which is not only good for young students who don’t have legal citizenship status but also for the nation itself. Gary also talked about how U.S. is wasting ‘hard earned investment’ by not allowing students the great opportunities DREAM Act would provide for them.

“It’s good for them and it’s good for America. That’s why the DREAM Act has bipartisan support in the Congress and the support of University, business, and education leaders all across America. It’s time for Congress to act,” U.S. Secretary Commerce said Friday during a conference call.


Senate To Vote Tuesday On Defense Bill

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has scheduled a vote on a defense authorization bill for Tuesday that includes, among other things, a provision to repeal the military’s ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy as well as a measure to put hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants on a pathway to citizenship.

Reid is likely aware that getting the 60 votes needed to pass either measure could be difficult, but understands the positive impact that attaching the two side-bills to the legislation may have for his party. The Nevada Democrat, who isn’t taking for granted his chances of being reelected this fall, hopes the efforts to pass immigration reform don’t go unacknowledged at the polls by the state’s voters, nearly 25% of whom are Hispanic.

Democrats, including Vice President Joe Biden, believe they are close to having the votes necessary to overcome a Republican filibuster on DADT. However, some Republicans have made it clear that they’ll vote ‘no’ if the controversial item is attached. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), an enthusiastic supporter of the military, told the Washington Times earlier this week that he believes Reid is using the defense bill to advance the ““social agenda of the liberal left.”

The DREAM Act has even less support from Republicans despite the fact that it was co-authored in 2001 by one of their own, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah). The legislation, which aims to put illegal immigrants between the ages of 16-35 on a path toward citizenship, has 39 co-sponsors, all Democrats, and is supported by President Obama.

During a meeting with Hispanic lawmakers at the White House this week, Obama reportedly said he would ask the Senate to hold an up-or-down vote on the measure. According to Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), the president told the lawmakers he would “leave no stone unturned.”


ICE gets slammed at Congressional Border Issues Conference

by Christina Lovato, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service

“What happens on one side of the border affects the other side. Mexico and the United States are separated by a border, but both communities share a goal of helping all of our peoples,” said Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the 13th Annual U.S. - Mexico Congressional Border Issues Conference, where panelists gathered to talk about topics such as Comprehensive Immigration Reform, drug and weapon trafficking, and the Merida Initiative. 

Among the panelists was Geraldo Rivera, host of “Geraldo at Large” on the FOX News Channel who said that instead of sending troops to the U.S./Mexican border, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) needs to start focusing on catching criminals and stop raiding processing plants where people are just there to work. “The immigration debate in this country has been so poisoned, and it’s become so racist in many ways.... We have distorted policy so that it hurts our national security. We have a totally competent law enforcement agency to deal with these criminals,” Rivera said. Speaker Nancy Pelosi agreed with Rivera saying that unnecessary ICE raids are not the American way and that they must stop.

Pelosi talked about the need for comprehensive immigration reform saying that we need it soon. “It would secure our borders, it would protect our workers, it would prohibit the exploitation of workers coming into our country, it would unite our families,” she stated. Pelosi said that she is sending Congressmen to Mexico to see how our nations can work together. President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will also be traveling to Mexico to show support. 

Rivera also expressed his support for the Dream Act, which states that undocumented young people could be eligible for a conditional path to citizenship in exchange for a mandatory two years in higher education or military service. In order for the undocumented young person to have the chance to become an American citizen, they must demonstrate good moral character to be eligible for and stay in conditional residency. Rivera said, “You want to stimulate the gross domestic product? Let’s get these Latino youngsters graduating high school.... But to take kids who are getting A’s and say they can’t get in-state tuition in college because they’re not documented, It’s preposterous, it’s un-American, it’s Anti-American.... Get Dream passed.”

Pelosi also discussed the Merida Initiative, saying that $300 million would be given to Mexico as part of the omnibus bill that was passed last week. “Every person who comes here with that determination, with that optimism, with that hope, with those family values and sense of community and spirit of faith, every person who comes here, certainly from the Hispanic community, when they come here they make America more American,” she concluded.