House Dems Oppose, Plan To Fight New Tax-Cuts Deal
House Democrats are crying out in opposition after the White House announced a new tax-cuts deal would include extending Bush-era tax cuts for all Americans.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a statement that the proposal clearly outlines the differences between Democratic and Republican priorities moving forward. While the top House Democrat did not directly critique the president for cutting a deal with Republicans, Pelosi makes clear that she plans to fight the deal moving forward.
“We will continue discussions with the president and our caucus in the days ahead,” she said. “The Republican demands would provide tax cuts to the millionaires and billionaires, fail to create jobs and increase the deficit.”
In his weekly press conference, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) also voiced his concern with the tax-cuts deal saying “there was no consensus or agreement reached by the House leadership” after having met with President Obama yesterday.
The Maryland Democrat said he is a strong advocate for extending unemployment benefits, especially after recent unemployment number revealed the rate increased slightly to 9.8 percent. But Hoyer reiterated that more discussion on the tax-cut issue will be forthcoming.
“We’ll be talking to our members over the next few days,” Hoyer said. “We’ll see what the Senate does, we expect the Senate to move first on this issue.”
Kyle LaFleur contributed to this article…
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