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Departing Voinovich Vows To Shoot Down Tax Deal

Departing Republican Senator George Voinovich (Ohio) pledged today that he will vote “no on everything” when the new tax-cuts deal made by the White House and GOP leadership hits the Senate floor for a vote. 

Voinovich, scheduled to retire at the end of this 111th Congress, blasted the deal and said he would prefer all tax cuts expire at the end of the year. 

In a statement made at the Aspen Institute, Voinovich said of tax cuts, “I want not to extend them, I want to force us to do tax reform.

“We’re sticking my kids with debts for things we weren’t willing to do with out or pay for,” he said. “You’ve got to pay for it, you’ve got to pay for it, you’ve got to pay for it.”

Voinovich is the first senator to publicly voice his opposition to the deal. 

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