Pence, Ryan Speak Out Against Federal Spending
By A.J. Swartwood
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) and Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) criticized the federal government and Federal Reserve Tuesday morning and called for a return to principles of sound money and fiscal responsibility. Speaking at a forum on “Sound Money and America’s Global Leadership”, the two fiscally conservative Congressman minced no words in calling out the federal government for what Ryan called “insidious” debasement of American currency.
“President Obama and Congressional Democrats have tried to borrow and spend the country back to prosperity,” Pence said. “To this runaway spending of the federal government they added a government takeover of healthcare, attempted to pass a national energy tax and passed one bailout after another.
“To restore a going economy we must end all this runaway federal spending and go back to the practice of free market economics without apology,” said the Indiana Republican.
Rep. Ryan, soon-to-be House Budget Chair, and a member of the President’s fiscal commission, declared, “there are no shortcuts, no sugar highs, that will get us to the foundations of a pro-growth society.”
He called for a return to low tax rates, transparent regulations, rule of law, controlled spending and debt and “most importantly” an application of principles of sound money as the keys to economic growth.
Republicans, fresh off of a victorious struggle to extend all the Bush-era tax cuts, are eager to continue implementing their fiscally conservative agenda as the new Congress begins in January, according to the duo.

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