First Responders Stuck In 20th Century, Says Lawmaker
Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) urges the super committee Tuesday to include provisions that would better first responder communication since their current technology is grossly outdated. (0:25)
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Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) urges the super committee Tuesday to include provisions that would better first responder communication since their current technology is grossly outdated. (0:25)
At a Tuesday news conference urging the super committee to include provisions to improve first responder communication, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said it is Congress’ obligation to make sure public safety personnel have adequate equipment. He notes that his smart phone is more reliable than the equipment first responders have. (0:30)
At a news conference Tuesday, Sen. Kristen Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) urged the supercommittee to include legislation to improve first responder communication in its deficit reduction recommendation. Highlighting the issue, Gillibrand noted that teenagers currently have better technology than first responders. (0:14)
Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) unveils an FCC process reform legislation seeking shorter response times from the commission and more transparency. (0:26)
Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) unveils the FCC Process Reform Legislation during a briefing Wednesday, saying the FCC should disclose how it operates just as other agencies do. (0:22)
Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) says lawmakers, the press and the public should be able to watch, track and participate with FCC in a meaningful way. (0:11)
During remarks before the Chamber of Commerce Monday, FCC Chair Julius Genachowski emphasizes the importance for small businesses to have adequate cyber security systems, citing billions in losses resulting from cyber attacks. (0:30)
During a discussion at the Chamber of Commerce, FCC Chair Julius Genachowski announces the launch of the “Small Biz Cyber Planner,” a free online tool for small businesses to develop customized cyber security plans. (0:27)
During a discussion at the Chamber of Commerce Monday, FCC Chair Julius Genachowski announced that the FCC will vote this week to reform the Universal Service Fund and provide broadband access to millions of Americans in rural communities. (0:40)
During a discussion at the Chamber of Commerce Monday, FCC Chair Julius Genachowski reports the positive effects of being online for a small business. (0:14)
Former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff praised the new “Small Biz Cyber Planner,” a new initiative to help small business adopt cyber security plans. Chertoff says smaller businesses need cyber security to be demystified. (0:33)
Author and Harvard professor Michael Lessig says that half way through Obama’s first term, Republicans and “astroturf” activists like the Tea Party have effectively killed net neutrality as a political movement.
Author and Harvard professor Michael Lessig says as long as private funds drive public elections, grass roots movements will be unable to change public policy issues like net neutrality.
Philip Bunnell - Talk Radio News Service
Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Margaret Hamburg lauds efforts to expand broadband coverage and wireless technology to the healthcare industry. She says a partnership with the Fedeal Communcations Comission will “change the face of medicine forever.” (00:40)
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski says streamlined partnerships between government agencies and private industries will lead to innovation and the production of “cutting edge and life-saving devices.” (00:20)
Rep. Pence: Congress Should Deny Funding To FCC If They Restore Fairness Doctrine