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Entries in dhs (20)


Former Labor Secretary Says Immigration Is A Labor Problem, Not Enforcement 

Former Secretary of Labor Ray Marshall says the Department of Homeland Security looks at the immigration problem in the U.S. as a law enforcement problem, not a a labor market problem Monday during the release of his book, “Value-Added Immigration: Lessons for the United States from Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom”. (0:20)



Chertoff: Small Businesses Need Cyber Security "Demystified"

Former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff praised the new “Small Biz Cyber Planner,” a new initiative to help small business adopt cyber security plans. Chertoff says smaller businesses need cyber security to be demystified. (0:33)



Ridge: Sifting Through Info And Acting On It Is Constant Challenge

Fmr. Governor of Pennsylvania and Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge admits at a forum  held by the George Washington University (GWU) Elliott School of International Affairs that the United States still has problems sifting through information and acting promptly on the appropriate information. (0:29)



Information Is At The Heart Of Combatting Terrorism, Says Ridge

Fmr. Governor of Pennsylvania and Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge acknowledges at a forum  held by the George Washington University (GWU) Elliott School of International Affairs that information is at the heart of the War on Terror. (0:27)


Ridge Concerned That Americans Lack Urgency On Terror Issue

Fmr. Governor of Pennsylvania and Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge expesses concern that since September 11 we have lost a sense of urgency on issues of homeland security at a forum at George Washington University. (0:17)



It's Not Just Al-Qaeda And Bin Laden, Says Ridge

Fmr. Governor of Pennsylvania and Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge acknowledges at a forum  held by the George Washington University (GWU) Elliott School of International Affairs that terrorism is much more than just Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, it’s a constantly evolving growing threat. (0:38)



Ridge Tells Americans To Leave Sleepless Nights To Government

Fmr. Governor of Pennsylvania and Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge acknowledges at a forum  held by the George Washington University (GWU) Elliott School of International Affairs that terrorism cannot be eradicated, but can be managed. (0:21)



Napolitano: We Can't Prevent All Attacks, But DHS Is Doing All It Can

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano testifies before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on the current state of Homeland Security. (0:34)


Homeland Security Starts With Hometown Security, Says Napolitano

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano testifies before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on the current state of Homeland Security. (0:13)

Napolitano: Defense Requires Local Efforts As Much As National Intelligence

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano testifies before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on the current state of Homeland Security. (0:29)



Terrorists Are As Creative As They Are Evil, Says Lawmaker

Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Penn.) describes during a discussion with the Ripon Society on Homeland Security the difficulties facing the government in dealing with enemies as creative as they are evil. (0:14)



Penn. Republican Acknowledges There Will Always Be Security Risks In Public Transit  

Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Penn.) says during a discussion with the Ripon Society on Homeland Security that the public transit system in the U.S. will always be at risk. (0:35)



U.S. Safer Now Than 9/11, Improvement Still Needed, Says Lawmaker

Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Penn.) says during a discussion with the Ripon Society on Homeland Security that the U.S. is safer now than it was prior to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but that improvement is still needed. (0:13)



Napolitano Says Health Providers Have Plans On How To Handle Patients

The Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security says many health providers across the country have plans for how to handle patients outside the hospital so that the actual tertiary care is reserved for those who are in most need of it. Napolitano adds that this could include providing treatments in tents.

Janet Napolitano Talks Common Threats And Collective Response To Terrorist Attacks

Janet A. Napolitano, United States Secretary of Homeland Security addressed a packed crowd at the Council on Foreign Relations this morning in New York. Her speech entitled: Common Threat, Collective Response: Protecting Against Terrorist Attacks in a Networked World, underscored that America is still vulnerable and we must continue to "comprehend and anticipate the range of new threats, including nuclear, chemical and biological." She highlighted the greater use by insurgent groups around the world of these types of deadly weapons.

Napolitano also said under the Obama Administration, DHS (Department of Homeland Security) also prioritizes protecting the borders from immigration which she stated may also include terrorists trying to get into the country.

"We have to develop a global environment for security. We have to engage the American people in our collective efforts. "

She underlined getting greater support from American citizens and to promote airline passenger vigilance aids in building a "culture of preparedness". Napolitano said that 85 percent of our critical assets are owned by the private sector--and their knowledge of technical assistance can greatly help secure infrastructure. She said better training of local law enforcement is a major part of her workplan in the coming months --stating local law enforcement could work together to analyze and provide intelligence. She also cited the importance in maintaining international partners to broker agreements with allies on monitoring baggage and cargo and to forge agreements to combat serious crime in partnership with the Department of Justice.

"We are a nation of families. Think of us as a hub. We have to strengthen our own networks and build on our international partnerships" she said.

King Says Napolitano Is Obama's Puppet On Immigration

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) checks in live from the Arizona-Mexico border where he says DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano should understand the issue of illegal immigration, having been Governor of a border state. However, says King, Napolitano has her hands tied in terms of enforcing immigration laws because her boss, President Obama, doesn't support cracking down on illegals. (:28)

King Says DHS "Going Backwards" On Immigration Enforcement

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) checks in live from the Arizona-Mexico border where he says Janet Napolitano's recent condemnations of work-site immigration raids demonstrates that the DHS is going the wrong way when it comes to enforcing this nation's immigration laws. (:28)

Swine Flu Podcast: Update #3, 05/02/09

Coffee Brown, MD, University of New Mexico, Talk Radio News

Is this a pandemic? What would that mean?


DHS review is a tremendous opportunity 

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy at the Department of Homeland Security, Alan Cohn says that the DHS is committed to producing the best researched document to the best of it’s ability. Outside assistance of contractors and private enterprises is helpful to provide an objective review of the Department. Cohn says the Quadrennial Homeland Security Review is a tremendous opportunity and a tremendous challenge. (0:55)

Secretary Chertoff of DHS Talks about the Border Fence.

Secretary Chertoff's main concern throughout the whole conference was to address the importance of securing the borders. The border fence is one of the solutions to the previously mentioned problem.