King Says DHS "Going Backwards" On Immigration Enforcement
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) checks in live from the Arizona-Mexico border where he says Janet Napolitano's recent condemnations of work-site immigration raids demonstrates that the DHS is going the wrong way when it comes to enforcing this nation's immigration laws. (:28)
Janet Napolitano,
Steve King,
geoff holtzman,
immigration raids in

Reader Comments (13)
Worksite raids cost tax payers millions of dollars and net very few results. The law has been clear since 1986 that it is the employer's responsibility to hire authorized workers and the Form I-9 was put in place to facilitate the inspection of work authorization and identity documents.
Many, many employers do not fully understand their responsibility, do not take the I-9 process seriously and they are being fined HUGE amounts of money for non-compliance. Most of those companies have never hired unauthorized workers, they simply don't give the I-9 process the respect that is required to be fully compliant.
It is much cheaper to the tax payer for ICE agents to serve a Notice of Inspection than it is to fly in SWAT helicopters to raid meat packing plants. Employers who were not "prime targets" didn't worry too much about compliance and have gotten lax in their approach to verifying work authorizaiton. That era has ended.
To CD Dolores:
You are completely wrong and, in my decades of dealing with the issue, I haven't heard such a contrived argument.
The truth is, ICE agents routinely inspect the employment records of offending employers. It is that documentation, indexed with other information, that is the basis for worksite raids.
It is nearly impossible to make a case against an employer without first rounding up the illegal workers whose pleadings and depositions become the evidence agains the employer. These facts just don't hit the news on the day of the raid while whining criminal law breakers get the sympathy of the press.
Get illegal aliens out of our country and take our country back
from the Multinational corporations and these good for nothing
traitorous politicians.
Americans want their country back. NOW!
CD Dolores sounds like your typical open border advocate.
Yes Dolores we are going to listen to you!
"Many, many employers do not fully understand their responsibility"
Gee Dolores they don't know their responsibility? What a joke.
Janet Napolitano is simply a traitor to the citizenry. She was a traitor as governor of Arizona, a position she used to fight Arizonans on illegal immigration, and now she is doing the same damned thing, and Americans are going to get what's coming, if we allow this to go on. AMNESTY, is a moot issue in my book, BECAUSE, what difference does amnesty make when people in positions of authority like Napolitano will not enforce immigration law? When there are enough Mexican foreign nationals in this nation, then demographics alone will decide AMNESTY. THEY WILL DO WHATEVER THEY DAMN WELL PLEASE--AMERICAN CITIZENS BE DAMNED. KIND OF LIKE WHAT THE PRESENT ADMINISTRATION THINKS ABOUT AMERICANS VIEWS ON ILLEGAL IMMGRATION.
A final point. Do citizens ever ask themselves why these traitors won't close the border to illegal immigration? It's really quite simply. They are carrying out the North American Union, right under Americans noses. As I said in my previous post, what difference does AMNESTY make, when the borders aren't enforced? When enough foreign nationals illegally in this nation reaches the "tipping point", they will demand AMNESTY AND RECEIVE IT, SIMPLY DO TO THEIR THREATENING MASSIVE NUMBERS. SEE HOW IT WORKS???
Dolores is wrong. Worksite raids DO work! Those applying for those jobs previously held by he arrested and deported illegal aliens are either LEGAL aliens or American citizens--and these jobs are "gobbled up"! The reason, the employers are forced to pay closer to what they paid before they began hiring illegals.
The reason these raids haven't changed the dynamic of employers continuing to hire illegal aliens is because there's been no "teeth" added to the raids. The raids are too infrequent and simply don't hit enough employers. These raids should be concentrated in Los Angeles, Houston, Atlanta and other major illegal alien hubs.
CD Delores is right and wrong...I am an employer of mostly immigrants in California and we have been checking documentation for at least fifteen years through our member of the House of Representatives, the Social Security Administration and now also E-Verify. Delores is right that most employers do not go beyond the requirements of the
1-9 process and many do not even bother to look at the documentation presented in order to comply with 1-9 requirements. Employers can find a way around all of this because the Federal Government has not given this process any teeth at all to insure that the documentation they are looking at is real. So Delores is right that the 1-9 process needs to go farther in the verification of the documentation. But I do disagree in the argument that the raids are net very few results...they do serve notice that the Federal Government is finally enforcing the law. This is a discouragement to the greater illegal community at large and those that support them.
The good news is that now 600+ businesses have been served notice that they will be audited. As they shed their non compliant workers this will leave room for employement of those legally entitled to work. Unfortunate for those that got employment under false pretenses but good for the rule of law.
It seems some people are not informed or misinformed at what is going on in our country. Our sovereignty is in danger, since The Mexican Fox and Bush mad an agreement to do the Speedway to allowed the Free Trade to go to Canada. We tax payers will pay for the construction and the taxes, while Mexico is the real one benefiting with this agreement, made at Bush's ranch. this is the reason Bush did not do a damn thing with the border. It was a mockery and insult to all of us who want the borders completely close, so we can get our country back. The illegal were protesting in Ca. took our flag from the pole, replaced it with the Mex. and threw our on the dirt. No one, even the police who were present did NOT arrest the law breakers offenders.
All the protesters were illegal aliens and should be rounded up and deported, but nothing was done by the administration. Oh by the way, Bush brother Jeff's wife is a Mexican! Got it, besides Mexican claims that the southern States were stolen from them and they will have it back without firing a shot. Sure enough they are winning by invading the land and having plenty of kids in our soil, thanks to the traitors in our government who are helping the invaders and the treaty with Canada, Mexico and U.S.A. to make us European Style country. God Help Us!
It has been reported that over 14 million American workers have lost their jobs -- 6 million since December 2007. Those figures do not include adults such as college graduates who have not been able to find work since their graduation. Yet the U.S. continues allow to allow avery year 1 million legal immigrants to enter the U.S., plus at least hundreds of thousands of professional and low-skilled workers, plus at least 0.5 million illegal migrants. Newcomers, white and non-white, will need jobs, health care, education, and many other expensive social services. The U.S. and many states are broke!
Decades ago, China already understood that population could impede its economic success. It has worked on drastically curbing population and has seriously restricted immigration even for people of Chinese descent. Isn't high time that President Obama and Congress immediately work together to enact some sort of immigration moratorium and enforce our laws across the board, so that we can put tens of millions of unemployed American citizens, legal immigrants, welfare recipients, and non-violent prison inmates to work? When will American leaders stop burrying their heads in the sand?
Illegal immigration is a serious crisis in our nation today. Down with the North American Union!!!! Illegal hispanic aliens not only bring cheap illegal foreign labor to our labor pools to appease the greedy businesses, and corrupt politicians, but also crime, gangs, drugs, overcrowding, tainting of the voting polls, fraud, and overcrowding of our health care systems right along with it.
If you feel the way I do, stand up and let our government know that WE THE PEOPLE want our nation's borders secured and our immigration laws enforced, and those that are here illegally DEPORTED, not rewarded.
Go here and join our fight.
R. MacRuairi
Jan., 2008 - 76,000 4.9%
Feb., 2008 - 83,000 4.8%
Mar., 2008 - 88,000 5.1%
Apr., 2008 - 67.000 5.0%
May, 2008 - 47,000 5.5%
June, 2008 - 100,000 - 5.5%
July, 2008 - 67,000 - 5.7%
Aug., 2008 - 127,000 - 6.1%
Sept., 2008 - 403,000 - 6.1%
Oct., 2008 - 320,000 - 6.5%
Nov., 2008 - 533,000 - 6.8%
Dec., 2008 - 681,000 - 7.2% - 11.1 million (R)
Jan., 2009 - 741,000 - 7.6% - 11.6 million (R)
Feb., 2009 - 681,000 - 8.1% - 12.5 million (R)
Mar., 2009 - 699,000 - 8.5% - 13.2 million (R)
Apr., 2009 - 539,000 - 8.9% - 13.7 million
May , 2009 - 345,000 - 9.4% - 14.5 million
Jun., 2009 - 467,000 - 9.5% - 14.7 million
There are close to 8 million known illegals working at almost 8 million American jobs; jobs that they illegally obtained used forged, or stolen SS documentation.
I keep waiting for the uproar out of the Hispanic community..the silence is deafening..makes one wonder what is going on behind the scenes. It remains to be seen if ICE enforces the audits. ICE knows where the illegals are working.
The audit notices will continue, although the frequency of the notices going out hasn't been determined yet.
It'd be nice to see the illegals begin leaving on their own
Pardon me for being naive, but someone just sent me a video about Rep Bainer appalled at the amnesty bill trying to be passed. Did anyone catch the CNN report on the latest amnesty bill they're trying to pass with taxpayers for immigration lawyers, gang bangers can claim amnesty by saying they want out of the gang.. it was a CNN report on July 5th I believe, I may be off..... anyhow it sounded horrific - is it true?