Kissinger: Afghanistan Withdrawal Will Have Deep Regional Impact
During an appearance at the Woodrow Wilson Center Tuesday, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger noted that the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan will have a deep regional impact. (0:32)
Kyl: Choice - Us Or Iran
At a press conference regarding the bi-partisan Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act, Senator Jon Kyl (R-Ariz) said, “In effect what we are saying to the few companies in the world who provide this refined gasoline to Iran is, ‘You can either do business in our $13 trillion economy with us, or you can do business with Iran with its $250 billion economy, but you can’t do both.’”
The Bill would expand on the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996, giving President Obama the power to "stop companies who continue to sell refined gasoline to Iran or provide refining capacity from doing business in the United States or through the American banking systems,” said Kyl.