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Entries in bush administration (26)


Obama Administration is Cleaning Up After Bush Administration, Says Carney

White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney, claims that the Obama administration has been busy cleaning up after the Bush administration that turned surpluses to massive deficits in order to prevent another Great Depression in the US (1:44)



Cheney: "I Don't Believe That We Engaged In Torture"

Former Vice President Dick Cheney explains that the Bush administration acted under the guidance of the Department of Justice at the time when the U.S engaged in waterboarding. Additionally, Cheney says that he does not call waterboarding torture because it was conducted under a legal framework. (0:53)

Cheney: 'Public Given Half The Truth'

Former Vice President Dick Cheney discusses how the recent release of the Torture Documents only gave Americans "less than half the truth." He wants Obama to release all the information that was received from this type of interrogation. "The public has the right to know the method of the question, but not the content of the answers," said Cheney. (0:43)

Americans Want The Truth About Torture

By Jonathan Bronstein, Talk Radio News Service

Jonathan Bronstein recounts the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) recent comments during her weekly press conference. Pelosi asserted that the CIA knowingly lied to her and mislead the American people, and she even called for the creation of a Truth Commission in order to illuminate the facts about the CIA's use of torture.

Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) responded to Pelosi's allegations by warning her and other Democrats to be careful what they wish for because the commission's discoveries may directly implicate them in the investigation.

Furthermore, Peter Brookes, an analyst for the Heritage Foundation, criticized the idea of a Truth Commission because he felt that it may hinder the CIA and other agencies from adequately protecting the American people.

But with each passing day the frustration of the American people mounts as they finally want to know what happened during the Bush Administration. (1:58)

Boehner: No Truth Commission

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) explains how he believes that the Truth Commission would be counter productive for the nation as America must "look forward and not back." But if this committee does move forward, Boehner wants all the information to be released, specifically what Speaker Pelosi knew. (0:25)

Pelosi: We Need A Truth Commission

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) explains how she believes that the government needs to authorize a "Truth Commission" to look into any illicit activities done by the Bush Administration. Until that is done, she calls upon the proper committees to look into these issues. (0:22)

Senate Judiciary Committee Looking Previous Administration

Coffee Brown, University of New Mexico, for Talk Radio News Service

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) told students at Georgetown University that the Senate Judiciary Committee, which he chairs, will be looking into irregularities during the Bush administration.

Bush administration formed largest development agenda since Marshall plan

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice discusses steps that the Bush administration has taken to provide foreign assistance (0:36).

Why was the referee taken off the field?

Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) explains about upcoming congressional hearings into the recent government bailouts of large financial companies. (0:39)

The U.S. recession began 4 years ago, says Emmanuelle

Rep. Rahm Emmanuelle (D-Ill.) talks about cost of living and median household income under the Bush Administration.(0:34)

Rabkin: Idea of Bush Administration impeachment is “so demented”

Jeremy Rabkin from the U.S. Institute of Peace says that if people believe that the president “knowingly, deliberately” got the country into war for reasons completely unrelated to national security, then “of course the action would be impeachable.” However, Rabkin says that nobody has tried to explain the “conspiracy theories,” and says that how anyone can even find it “plausible” that “such a charge” is worth investigating is “so demented.” (1:56)

Bugliosi: “How dare they do what they did”

Vincent Bugliosi, the author of “Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder,” says that the “terrible reality” is that the Bush Administration has gotten away with thousands upon thousands of murders. Bugliosi says that the evidence for the impeachment charges put on former President Bill Clinton were “infinitely less significant” than those found under the Bush Administration. He says that based on the evidence written in his book, Congress should not have “any difficulty making a criminal referral to the Department of Justice” in order to commence a criminal investigation of the Bush Administration. Bugliosi says that every American should be outraged by what the Bush Administration has done. (1:29)

Fein: “The executive branch has vandalized the Constitution”

Bruce Fein, Deputy Attorney General under President Reagan, says that the executive branch of the U.S. government under the Bush Administration has destroyed the time-honored checks-and-balances and taken the country “perilly close to executive despotism.” He says that the executive branch does not accept that the U.S. was “conceived in liberty” and “dedicated to the proposition that sovereignty in a republican form of government lies with the people.” (2:02)

New York Democrat: DoD let Bin Laden escape on purpose

Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-N.Y.) says that former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is responsible for the escape of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan. (1:01)

Texas Republican calls Bush hearing "an anger management class" 

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) says that a previous Judiciary hearing was a "book-of-the-month club" and that a hearing examining the Bush administration is "an anger management class." (0:36)

Iraq the priority of Pentagon and Bush administration 

During a press briefing at the Pentagon, Defense Department spokesman Geoff Morrell says that it is no secret that, of the two fronts, Iraq is the priority for the Pentagon and the current administration. He says that the U.S. does not lack committment to Afghanistan and it is a matter of timing when more troops will be sent to Afghanistan. (0:52)

McCain makes a significant departure from Bush Administration

Senator John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) presidential campaign hosted a press conference call, which discussed McCain’s foreign policy remarks delivered today in Dever, Colo. McCain’s advisors said that John McCain has taken a “significant departure“ from the nuclear security policy of the Bush Administration with his willingness to have open talks with Russia and China, and the creation of global nuclear repositories, nuclear penetrators and other nuclear foreign policy issues.

Randy Scheunemann, senior foreign policy and national security advisor to the John McCain presidential campaign, spoke about McCain’s ultimate goal of a nuclear free world. McCain’s support for strategic arms reduction and treaties with Russia to ban and remove intermediate ranged ballistic missiles, his interest in strengthening non-proliferation regime and the ending of dangerous nuclear materials production are all steps away from the Bush Administration’s current and past foreign policy decisions.

With John McCain being seen as the “second Bush” by many members of the media and influential political figures, these statements by McCain and his advisors act as a step away from any associations with Bush’s policies and present a more open and “comprehensive” plan of action for the future than any other president has put out there, Scheunemann said. (24:00)

In the war on terror, everything goes

When asked if political pressure or incompetence was the reason behind the slowness that the FBI took to respond to the torture allegations, Rep. Jerrold Nalder (D-N.Y.) said it was reluctance to confront senior administration officials, because of the belief that everything went in the war on terror. (0:43)


President Bush's requests are unconstitutional and 'disturbing'

Rep. Robert Wexler (D-Fla.) discusses the request by President Bush about getting legal opinions that can enable torture. Wexler claims the Administration has consistently acted to protect itself, ignored and set aside the constitution to further their aims.

U.S. needs strong laws to protect public from mercury pollution

Sen. Lautenberg says at a Committee on Environment and Public Works hearing on mercury legislation that mercury is “a proven threat to our health, even in low doses” for both children and adults. He says we should have laws “as strong as we can take” to protect the public from mercury pollution. He says the Bush Administration 
“fails to protect the health of the public or our environment.” (0:38)