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Entries in World Trade Center (3)


Bipartisan House Passes Intel Bill On Eve Of 9/11 Anniversary

In a 384-14 vote, the House voted nearly unanimously Friday to pass legislation that keeps federal entities vital in the America’s national security efforts funded through FY2012 . 

Given that the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attack on America is just two days awe, the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2012, originally introduced by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), ensures agencies like the CIA, FBI, DEA, along with the Departments of State, Defense, Energy and Justice, among others, have the capabilities to operate and continue to keep the country protected from terror threats. 

“This bill makes smart choices that will help eliminate wasteful spending while still ensuring that our intelligence community personnel have all the tools they need to keep America safe,” Deomcratic Whip Steny Hoyer said in a statement. “As we approach the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and confront new threats to the homeland, we are reminded of the challenges we face and honor the brave men and women in the intelligence community who work around the clock to protect us.”

Aside from authorizing agencies vital to the nation’s national security, the bill would require officials to provide Congress with detailed information about the mission that ultimately ended in the death of Osama bin Laden. 


More Protests Over Proposed Mosque Near WTC

Two demonstrations, one for and one against the proposed construction of a Muslim community center two blocks away from the World Trade Center site, took to the streets of Manhattan’s financial district Sunday afternoon.  
A few hundred opponents of the project, some of whom were wearing construction hard hats,various tri-state area firefighter t-shirts and motorcycle club vests, marched two blocks down West Broadway brandishing posters and signs until they reached police barriers outside Ground Zero. They carried a wide variety of signs, some emphasizing sensitivity and respect for the victims of 9/11 , others linking Muslims to Nazis, depicting the Mosque leader Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf as a terrorist supporter and linking Islam to Osama bin Laden.
Demonstrators chanted  “Sharia no, Freedom yes” and “No Mosque Here”, and a few even tried to start a “No more 44’” chant but received a half hearted response. The rally was for the most part peaceful, and although a few heated arguments broke out in the crowd, they were quickly broken up by other protesters.

Panel Paves Way For Ground Zero Mosque

The Landmarks Preservation Commission in New York City voted 9-0 this morning against granting historic status to a building located blocks from where the World Trade Center used to stand. The ruling opens the door for an Islamic mosque to be constructed on the site where the 152-year-old building will be demolished…