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Entries in War Supplemental (1)


House Will Vote On War Supplemental Today

Later today, the House is expcted to hold debate on a $59 billion piece of legislation that would provide funding to U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2010 would also “provide $24 billion to help keep teachers, police, and firefighters employed during the recession, $13 billion to Vietnam War veterans that have been exposed to Agent Orange, $2.8 billion for Haiti relief, $5.7 billion for PELL grants, $677 million to strengthen the border, $275 million for the Gulf oil spill, and $725 million to offset other needs,” according to OpenCongress.

The Senate passed its version of the appropriations bill earlier this summer, yet struck the nearly $23 billion in domestic spending. It remains to be seen whether the House will vote to pass the slimmed-down Senate version, or whether it will pass the more expensive version, which would then go back to the Senate…