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Entries in Shirley Sherrod (2)


Shirley Sherrod To Sue Breitbart

Politico is reporting that former Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod, forced to resign two weeks ago after a video surfaced that inaccurately portrayed her making racially biased comments during an NAACP event, says she will sue Andrew Breitbart, the conservative pundit who leaked the video…


Report: RNC To Hold Event Featuring Breitbart

Talking Points Memo is reporting today that RNC Chairman Michael Steele will hold a fundraising event in August. Among those invited to attend is Andrew Breitbart, a conservative blogger who made headlines last week over a video he leaked to Fox News. A segment of the video showed a state-level Department of Agriculture official named Shirley Sherrod making what appeared to be racially biased comments at an NAACP event that took place back in March of this year. Sherrod was subsequently asked to resign from USDA, but was then offered another job at the department after the full video was released, proving her to be innocent…