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Entries in Kelly Ayotte (2)


Poll: NH Senate Race Getting Closer

The race for New Hampshire Senate seat may be closer then previously thought.  According to a poll out today by the American Reserach Group, Inc. Democratic candidate Paul Hodes is trailing his Republican rival Kelly Ayotte by a 5 point margin. 

This shows a major closing of the gap between the two candidates, considering ARG polls out last month had Hodes down by 14 points.  The numbers are still unclear though, with a WMUR/Granite State Poll on September 30th showing that the near 15 point margin to be intact. 

The winner of the election this November will take the seat of retiring Sen. Judd Gregg (R).  


Tea Party Candidate Defeated In New Hampshire Primary

The Associated Press is reporting that New Hampshire Attorney General Kelly Ayotte has won her party’s nomination over opponent Ovide Lamontagne. A recount, however, is still possible. During the race, Ayotte was generally considered the GOP’s establishment-backed candidate, while her opponent garnered the support of many in the Tea Party…