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Entries in Gulf of Mexico (3)


Obama To Put Freeze On Gulf Drilling

After the fallout from the BP oil spill, President Obama has vowed to put a hold on any drilling the eastern side of the Gulf of Mexico for the next seven years, according to a report out by CNN.

Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior, is set to hold a press conference at 1:30 to shed more light on the subject. 


8,084 Square Miles Reopened In Gulf

The NOAA announced in a bulletin, Tuesday, that they plan to reopen 8,084 square miles of Gulf of Mexico waters previously closed to fishing for concerns due to the BP-Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

In the release, the NOAA stated their rationale on a number of criteria, including the fact that no oil or sheen has been observed in the area since July 21st, and trajectory models show low risk for future exposure to oil.

In addition, the federal agency conducted extensive sensory testing as well as chemical analysis of 92 finfish, which all tested “well below levels of concern for oil.”

31,801 square miles - 13% of Gulf of Mexico exclusive economic zone - remain closed to fishing because of safety and public health concerns.


BP's Hayward To Receive $18 Million Payout

Tony Hayward announced yesterday that he’ll be stepping down from his position as CEO of BP in October. He will be replaced by Robert Dudley, who will be BP’s first American CEO.

The New York Times has reported that Hayward is stepping away with a payout of $18 million, and with millions more in BP shares in an incentive plan.


- Brandon Kosters