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Obama On Peace Talks: Efforts Must Be Made

After a day full of bi-lateral meetings with leaders of key middle eastern nations, President Barack Obama defended his efforts to bring Israel and Palestine to the negotiating table.

Though the President acknowledged skepticism over his objective, he told reporters in the White House Rose Garden that “if we dont make the attempt, then failure is guaranteed.”

In the morning, Obama met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu, where the topic of Hamas’ deadly attack on Jewish settlers in the West Bank earlier this week was discussed. Obama followed that by holding a one-on-one with Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority.

Afterwards, Obama said the two leaders recognized that “this as an opportunity [to talk] that must be seized.”

In the afternoon, the President met individually with President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and King Abdullah of Jordan.

The heads of state will all take part in a working dinner at the White House this evening.