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Robert Gates Named Chancellor At College Of William And Mary

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates will be returning to his alma mater.

Gates was named Tuesday as the new Chancellor for the College of William and Mary in historic Williamsburg, Va., the university he attended as an undergrad.

“In addition to an outstanding education, William & Mary instills in its students a sense of duty to community and country. I look forward to doing all that I can to continue and build on these traditions,” Gates said in a statement released by W&M. 

This is not the first academic role Gates has performed. From 2002 to 2006 Gates served as the President of Texas A&M University before being asked by the Bush administration to take the reins at the Pentagon.

President Barack Obama issued a statement late Tuesday morning applauding the announcement.

Bob will again help lead an institution devoted to our nation’s most precious resource—our young men and women,” Obama said. I wish Bob the very best as he begins this new chapter.”

Gates stepped down as Defense Secretary in July.

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