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Obama Will Lean On Senate To Pass Jobs Bill

White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Wednesday that President Obama will push Hill lawmakers to vote on his jobs package.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Monday that the Senate will “get to that,” referring to Obama’s $447 measure aimed at boosting hiring. Reid later said that his top priority when Congress returns to session next week will be to advance a bill that cracks down on alleged currency manipulation by the Chinese government.

“I don’t think there’s anything more important for a jobs measure than China trade, and that’s what we’re going to work on next week,” Reid said.

Carney today said that Obama “will keep up the pressure” on both the House and Senate to act quickly. And, Carney added, “if it comes to us in pieces, we’re going to keep demanding the rest.”

“We’re not gonna accept half” of the bill, Carney later stated. “That would be half good for the American people.”

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