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Obama, Leading Republicans Take To The Web

President Obama and a trio of House Republicans are in California today to advance their jobs proposals across the social media spectrum.

Obama will be in Mountain View this afternoon for a 2:00 pm ET town hall event sponsored by the online professional networking site, LinkedIn. There, the president is expected to continue lobbying for his jobs bill, the American Jobs Act. Log on to at 2:00 pm ET for all the action.

Meanwhile, just six miles down the road in Palo Alto, House Republican leaders will participate in an online discussion hosted by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg.

In an interview with Politico’s Mike Allen, the so-called “Young Guns”  — House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) — said the purpose of the event is to broadcast their message to a wide array of Americans, and to let them know that “Washington is listening.”

Tune into Facebook at 6:00 pm ET to watch the event.

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