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Romney Lands Blunt Endorsement 

Former Massachusetts Governor and GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney will announce Tuesday that Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) will lead his campaign’s efforts to build and secure support from Congressional Republicans. 

“It’s an honor to have Roy’s support,” Romney said, according to Politico. “He has always been a champion of taxpayers and small business owners. and I know that he will be an effective liaison in sharing my vision for America with his colleagues in both the House and the Senate.”

Blunt is no stranger to rallying members to support a candidate. During former George W. Bush’s presidential run in 2000, then-Rep. Blunt helped Bush in a similar fashion, ultimately securing the GOP nomination and leading a successful run to the White House. Blunt also served as House majority whip from 2003 to 2007. 

“Through his experience in the private sector and as governor, I believe Mitt has the right background to help create more economic certainty and spur job growth in Missouri and nationwide,” Blunt said. 

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