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Gov. Barbour Blasts Drilling Moratorium

By Philip Bunnell

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour (R) told Congress Thursday that precautionary steps that constrict oil production could be a bigger risk to his state than another oil spill.

During Barbour’s testimony before the House Oversight Committee, the Ranking Democratic Member, Elijah Cummings (MD), asked Barbour if he thought oil companies should have to prove that they can cap a well before they receive a permit. 

“I would not be in favor of anything that reduces the production of domestic oil,” Barbour replied. “I think the risks are way too small, compared to what you give up.”

Barbour explained that the moratorium hurt the region’s economy, after it had already been devastated by losses in tourism and seafood sales. He noted that destruction wrought more havoc to the Mississippian economy than its environment, telling the committee that Mississippi only closed a single beach once during the whole of the crisis.

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