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Barney Frank: Sexism Fueling GOP Opposition To Elizabeth Warren  

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) told reporters Thursday that sexism was playing a role in Republican opposition to Elizabeth Warren’s confirmation as head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

“There is no question that the fact she is a woman has been a part of this. Financial regulation has been a very male preserve,” Frank, the Ranking Member of the House Financial Services Committee, said during an afternoon press conference. “The effort … to demonize Elizabeth Warren is in part because a woman shouldn’t be telling bankers what to do.”

When pressed, Frank explained that prejudice against Warren’s gender hasn’t changed the subject of the debate but that it has “exacerbated” the “tone” of the argument. 

Senate Republicans have pledged to block any nominee until the agency’s authority is limited. Democrats have recently stepped up their support for Warren. On Thursday, a letter signed by over 90 Democrats urging Obama to pursue a recess appointment was sent to the White House.

Warren previously served as the chair of the Committee tasked with overseeing the use of TARP funds.

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