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Bipartisan Collection Of Congressmen Urge Obama To Pull Out Of Afghanistan  

A bipartisan collection of Congressmen sent a letter to President Obama Monday urging him to “to bring the formal war in Afghanistan to an end.”

The letter, signed by four Democrats and four Republicans, argues that the recent strike against bin Laden shows that the focus should lie on maintaining intelligence capabilities and a mobile special forces unit rather than a large, standing military presence in the region.

“We can no longer fight this war by the old rules,” the letter states. “This battle requires a nimble and agile force with a capacity for rapid response anywhere in the world.”

The signatures include Representatives Peter Welch (D-Vt.), Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), Rep. John Garamendi (D-Calif.), John Campbell (R-Calif.), John Tierney (D-Mass.) and John Duncan (R-Tenn.), Walter Jones (R-N.C.) and Rush Holt (D-N.J.).

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