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SC Governor Backs Romney 

Nikki Haley, the Governor of South Carolina and a rising star in the GOP, endorsed Mitt Romney for the part’s nominee Friday morning.

During an appearance on Fox News, Haley cited Romney’s private sector experience, heralding the former Massachusetts Governor as a Beltway outsider.

“What I want someone who is not part of the chaos that is Washington,” Haley said. “Someone who knows what it’s like to make a decision to lead.” 

Haley, who was elected in 2010, added that she believed Romney was best suited to beat President Barack Obama in a general election.

South Carolina is a key primary state and recent polls show Romney trailing Gingrich by significant margins.

The South Carolina primary will take place on January 21st. In 2008, the state was won by John McCain, with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee coming in second. Romney did not campaign in the state.

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