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Poll: Americans Divided Over A Second Obama Term 

A majority of Americans don’t believe President Barack Obama deserves to serve a second term, according to a new poll from AP/GfK.

The poll found that 52 percent of Americans said Obama should not win reelection while 43 percent said that he should. The numbers represent a growing margin. In mid-October, 50 percent of AP/GfK respondents said that Obama should not be re-elected while 46 percent said they would back him for a second term.

Despite the apparent lag in support for Obama, he still fares relatively well when pitted against the GOP frontrunners. In a match-up against Mitt Romney, Obama essentially ties, with 47 percent backing the President and 46 percent supporting the former Massachusetts Governor. Against Gingrich, the President holds a clear lead, at 51 to 42 percent.

The poll was conducted between December 8th and 12th but was released Friday. It surveyed 1,000 randomly selected adults.

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