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Today's Market Roundup

U.S Stocks:

The holiday week kicked off with U.S stocks on a downward spiral as the debt crisis here in the US and in Europe lingers. The Dow Jones was down 263 points. The Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index fell 24 points and Nasdaq shed 52 points.

Super Committee:

There’s more finger pointing and name calling between Republicans and Democrats as the Super Committee gets set to fail in its quest to reach a deficit deal by Thursday. The political friction is causing the stock market to take a nose dive as the possibility of another credit downgrade looms.

Black Friday Fast Approaching:

With Black Friday only days away, retailers are gearing up for what they hope will be a huge customer turn out; but with the increasing popularity of online shoping, retailers may have major completion. has already kicked the week off with good deals. Big retailers like Macy’s, Target, Best Buy and Kohl’s will open at midnight on Thursday. Walmart, however, hopes to beat them all to the punch with their Black Friday deals starting at 10 pm that evening.

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