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Poll: Gingrich New Frontrunner In GOP Presidential Race

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has risen to the top of the GOP presidential field just weeks before the first primary.  

According to a new CNN/ORC International Poll, Gingrich leads former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney by a 4 percentage point margin, 24-to-20.

Gingrich’s status as a top tier candidate can, perhaps, be credited to the onslaught of sexual harassment allegations former front runner and pizza mogul Herman Cain was faced with in recent weeks. Or, it could very well be a handout by Texas Governor Rick Perry following a nationally televised gaffe when he failed to remember the third government agency he planned to nix if elected president. 

Regardless, Gingrich has accomplished a one month turnaround that has made him the sixth candidate to top nationwide polls. No more than a month ago, Gingrich found himself trailing Cain, Romney and Perry.  

The poll was conducted from November 18-20, with 1,019 adults, 402 of whom were Republican leaning voters. 

Click Here to see the full results…

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    When you call yourself a "historian," you create the implication that you can speak authoritatively about, well, history. more »

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