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Carney Criticizes Romney's Foreclosure Stance

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney called out Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney on his stance against government intervention in the home foreclosure process.

“There is no simple fundamental restructuring that will wipe away the damage done by the bursting of the housing bubble,” Carney told reporters aboard Air Force One Monday. “What we firmly do not believe is that the answer is not to simply let the housing market bottom out and let investors come in and fix the problem.

Added Carney, “That’s not a solution. That’s a solution that basically says to middle-class Americans who have been responsibly paying their mortgage and who, through no fault of their own, have seen their economic situation get quite desperate because of the prices in the housing market that you’re on your own — tough luck.”

As Carney concluded his remarks, a reporter questioned whether his comment was a specific response to Romney’s proposal in Nevada last week that the home foreclosure process should be allowed to “run its course and hit the bottom.”

“I have heard that Governor Romney said something like that, yes,” Carney responded.

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