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Obama Blames GOP For Blocking DISCLOSE Act

The White House released the following statement from President Barack Obama in response to today’s 59-39 vote in the Senate that prevented cloture from being reached on the Disclose Act:

“I am deeply disappointed by the unanimous Republican blockade in the Senate of the DISCLOSE Act, a critical piece of legislation that would control the flood of special interest money into our elections. Today’s decision by a partisan minority to block this legislation is a victory for special interests and U.S. corporations – including foreign-controlled ones – who are now allowed to spend unlimited money to fill our airwaves, mailboxes and phone lines right up until Election Day. And it comes at the expense of the American people, who no longer have the right to know who is financing these ads in an attempt to influence an election for their preferred candidate. Wall Street, the insurance lobby, oil companies and other special interests are now one step closer to taking Congress back and returning to the days when lobbyists wrote the laws. But despite today’s setback, I will continue fighting to ensure that our democracy stays where it belongs — in the hands of the American people.” 

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