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Obama Fully Behind Meek In Florida Senate Primary

White House deputy press secretary Bill Burton told reporters today that President Barack Obama fully supports Rep. Kendrick Meek, the frontrunner in Florida’s Democratic primary race.

“[President Obama] said that he [Meek] is his candidate. Florida Democrats know that he is his candidate,” said Burton during a flight from Ohio to Miami aboard Air Force One. “He’s introduced Meek at events as the next United States senator from the state.”

A Quinnipiac poll released today shows Meek leading his main opponent in the primary, billionaire investor Jeff Greene, by a 35% to 28% margin. In the general race, however, Meek’s odds don’t appear to be that great. A Mason-Dixon poll put out earlier this week shows Meek trailing Republican nominee Marco Rubio by 20 points.

President Obama is in Miami this evening to raise money for Meek and other Democratic candidates in the state…

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