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Hoyer Considering Running For Minority Whip

Outgoing House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) released the following statement on Friday:

“In the days since the election, I have received an outpouring of support from Democratic colleagues who have told me that I should remain in our party’s leadership, so that our Caucus can hit the ground running with a strong, tested leadership team. Over the next several days, I will continue to speak to my colleagues about serving our Caucus as Democratic Whip, and I will announce a decision after I have consulted with them.”

Hoyer is presently the Democratic Leader, but would lose that position should Democrats elect outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to the position. Hoyer has stated that he will not challenge Pelosi for the job.

Instead, he’ll likely battle current Democratic Whip, Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), for the number two position. Clyburn has not yet declared any intention of ceding his title.

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