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DeMint Picks Up Support Of Key Moderate On Earmark Ban

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) announced on Tuesday that he will vote in support of fellow South Carolina Republican Jim DeMint’s proposal to place a moratorium on earmark spending.

Previously, Graham had been hesitant to commit to the ban, citing projects in his home state he had helped fund. But after giving it some thought, he decided to put his initial feelings aside.

“As a long-time supporter of earmark reform, I will vote in support of the moratorium,” Graham said in a statement. “Some earmarks, like the Bridge to Nowhere, have rightfully left Americans angry about how Washington spends their hard-earned tax dollars on projects which serve little, if any, purpose. The earmark moratorium will help ensure projects like these are not allowed to slip through the Congress again.”

“However, I maintain the right to seek funding to protect our national security or where the jobs and economy of South Carolina are at risk.  If the Obama Administration and their bureaucrats in the federal agencies take action against the best interests of South Carolina, I will take swift action to correct their wrongs.”

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