Today at TRNS
White House Correspondent Victoria Jones will be covering the joint press availability with President Obama and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and the White House press briefing with Robert Gibbs.
Our Washington D.C. Bureau will be covering the following events:
-Minority Leader Boehner, GOP leader's press conference on national energy tax
-Reps. Velazquez, Gonzales, Sen. Menendez's press conference on Judge Sotomayor
- Speaker Pelosi and German Chancellor Angela Merkel's meeting
- A discussion on "Modernizing U.S. Foreign Aid: The Challenges of a Changing World"
- A discussion on "Patient-Centered Care versus Political Medicine."
- A discussion "To Reform Healthcare, Don't Increase Taxes, Cut Them."
-Press conference to address the Iranian regime's "rising suppression of pro-democracy uprisings in Iran."
- A discussion on "Medication Adherence in Health Reform: Saving Money and Lives"
Our Washington D.C. Bureau will be covering the following events:
-Minority Leader Boehner, GOP leader's press conference on national energy tax
-Reps. Velazquez, Gonzales, Sen. Menendez's press conference on Judge Sotomayor
- Speaker Pelosi and German Chancellor Angela Merkel's meeting
- A discussion on "Modernizing U.S. Foreign Aid: The Challenges of a Changing World"
- A discussion on "Patient-Centered Care versus Political Medicine."
- A discussion "To Reform Healthcare, Don't Increase Taxes, Cut Them."
-Press conference to address the Iranian regime's "rising suppression of pro-democracy uprisings in Iran."
- A discussion on "Medication Adherence in Health Reform: Saving Money and Lives"
Today At TRNS
-Legal Affairs Correspondent Jay Goodman Tamboli and Matthew S. Schwartz will be covering decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court
The Washington, D.C. Bureau will also be covering:
-Address by Iran's former Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, leading advocate of a campaign for civil disobedience against the clerical regime, on his call for a secular, parliamentary, and democratic political system in Iran
-The New America Foundation (NAF), discussion on "Iran's Election: What Happened? What's Next?"
-Briefing by the Cato Institute to examine lessons from Massachusetts' 2006 health care reforms.
-Full committee markup of "The Affordable Health Choices Act".
-Securities, Insurance, and Investment Subcommittee hearing on "Over-the-Counter Derivatives: Modernizing Oversight to Increase Transparency and Reduce Risks".
-Media briefing to discuss and release the HIV/AIDS Atlas of the United States, a web-based atlas that highlights the local impact of the HIV epidemic across the United States for National HIV Testing Day.
-Briefing on "The Administration's Plans for the Novel Influenxa A (H1N1) Vaccine Development and Administration.
-The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (NAPCS)- Ninth Annual National Charter Schools Conference featuring Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Tiki Barber, former NFL player.