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Today At TRNS 

-White House Correspondent Victoria Jones will be covering the White House press briefing with Robert Gibbs

-Legal Affairs Correspondent Jay Goodman Tamboli and Matthew S. Schwartz will be covering decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court

The Washington, D.C. Bureau will also be covering:

-Address by Iran's former Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, leading advocate of a campaign for civil disobedience against the clerical regime, on his call for a secular, parliamentary, and democratic political system in Iran
-The New America Foundation (NAF), discussion on "Iran's Election: What Happened? What's Next?"
-Briefing by the Cato Institute to examine lessons from Massachusetts' 2006 health care reforms.
-Full committee markup of "The Affordable Health Choices Act".
-Securities, Insurance, and Investment Subcommittee hearing on "Over-the-Counter Derivatives: Modernizing Oversight to Increase Transparency and Reduce Risks".
-Media briefing to discuss and release the HIV/AIDS Atlas of the United States, a web-based atlas that highlights the local impact of the HIV epidemic across the United States for National HIV Testing Day.
-Briefing on "The Administration's Plans for the Novel Influenxa A (H1N1) Vaccine Development and Administration.
-The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (NAPCS)- Ninth Annual National Charter Schools Conference featuring Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Tiki Barber, former NFL player.

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