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Pro-Life Leader Calls Deceased Doctor A Mass Murderer

By Justin Duckham-Talk Radio News Service

Following Sunday’s murder of Dr. George Tiller, one of the few physicians in the U.S. willing to perform partial birth abortions, Randall Terry, founder of the pro-life organization Operation Rescue, issued a statement that garnered controversy for failing to explicitly condemn the attacks. Instead, the statement advised anti-abortion activists to continue the use of provocative language and actions. Today, Terry held a news conference at the National Press Club to reiterate his views.

“President Obama, the pro-abortion groups, their friends on Capitol Hill are going to try to browbeat the pro-life movement into surrendering our rhetoric, our actions, and our images,” Terry stated.

Terry did not mince word when discussing Tiller, referring to the deceased man as a mass murderer and saying that Tiller will go down in history as a villain.

“Horrifically, he reaped what he sowed...he sowed death and then he reaped death in a horrifying way,” said Terry.

Terry, who was recently arrested at a protest taking place during President Barack Obama’s commencement speech at Notre Dame University, denied the notion that the current administration is open to dialogue. Rather, Terry said, they are hoping the pro-life movement will ‘shut up’.

Tiller, who had been a controversial figure for years, was shot leaving church Sunday morning. Police apprehended a fifty-one year old male in relation to the crime.