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Entries in Secretary Rice (2)


US Commission on International Religious Freedom give recommendations to Secretary Rice

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom announced their 2008 recommendations to Secretary of State Rice on CPC's, or countries of particular concern. Their 2008 annual report was also released to the President, Secretary of State, and Congress on U.S. policy. The countries that the commission designated as CPC's include Burma, North Korea, China, Sudan, and Turkmenistan among others.

The event, which was held at the National Press Club, was over an hour in length and commission members were on hand to give brief summaries on some of the CPC countries giving reasons as to why certain countries were placed on the list. Most countries were cited as having little or no religious freedom including violations of human rights and international treaties. When Vietnam was discussed, their recent acceptance into the World Trade Organization was spoken of, but the commissioner speaking about Vietnam said they had "regressed" since that point and added that their economic improvements were short lived and simply a hoax.

North Korea was noted as having religious establishments and temples as a show of religion for visitors to the country, but that these establishments are merely fakes and not used. Religious movement has been forced to the underground in North Korea.

Eritrea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Uzbekistan were also designated as CPC's.


White House Gaggle

Briefer: Dana Perino

President had his normal briefings this morning. At 10:25 am, he will receive the Annual Report to the Nation by the Boy Scouts of America. At 10:50 am, President Bush meets with the King of Jordan. At noon, President and Mrs. Bush will host a private social lunch with the King and Queen of Jordan in the Family Dining Room of the White House. At 1.15 pm, the President makes remarks to Political Appointees and Federal Government Employees in DAR- Constitution Hall in Washington, DC.
White House Press Secretary Dana Perino will brief the press at noon today.

Middle East

Perino said that, “there is a lot of tension between the Israelis and the Palestinians, “and Secretary Rice is in region to bridge the gaps and bring them back together. One of the things Secretary Rice said, and the President agrees with is that, “Hamas has made themselves an enemy of the Palestinian state.” Perino said that the Palestinians could have a Palestinian state given the leader they have now--Hamas is what is holding them back. Secretary Rice will also be meeting with Prime Minister Olmert as they are also concerned about the situation.

When asked if it is really possible to negotiate peace with a divided Palestine, Perino said that they believe Hamas is a terrorist organization and Israel has the same feeling. She continued to say that, “President Abbas has said that he wants to be the Palestinian President for everybody, including the people living in Gaza, who are living under terrible conditions right now… The strategy is to try to allow the Palestinians to see that is a choice to make. There is a path that can get you to a Palestinian state and possible more security and prosperity… The purpose of Secretary Rice’s trip is to try to establish again this clear strategy and division between the choices there is to make for the Palestinians. “ A reporter questioned Perino when it comes to the Palestinians in Gaza, saying that she assumes that they actually have a choice or wish to make a choice, which that does not seem to be the case. Perino said that she thinks they do have a choice. She also said that the government that US is working with, lead by President Abbas, is the one that has chosen peace. Perino said the “issue is that it is extremely complicated, and we never said that this was going to be easy.” But we do believe that people have a choice, Perino continued, “and the President believes that when people have a choice they will chose freedom.”


When asked about a response to OPEC’s decision to not increase production to ease prices, Perino said that she hasn’t heard anything about yet. She will wait until they make an official announcement. Perino did say that she oil producing countries should work to keep the markets well supplied.


Perino was asked about a comment on Iran who has rejected the sanctions resolution that was imposed by the United Nations. Perino said that they were not expecting anything else from the regime of Iran. We have provided several incentives for the Iranians if they would halt the enrichment of uranium and come to the negotiation table. Perino also said that she was pleased to see that the UN went forward with the 3rd rounds of sanctions. “A lot of people did not think that it was not going to be possible after our National Intelligence Estimate came out in December…”

Ahmadinejad in Iraq

When asked if the President talked to the Iraqi Prime Minister Malaki after the visit of the Iranian President Ahmadinejad, Perino said that they haven’t talked since. Though there have been reports by Ambassador Crocker and General Petreus.

Boy Scouts

When asked if the President has any concerns about discriminatory practices by the Boy Scouts against gays and atheists, Perino said that she had not asked about it, but “the President has always said that everybody should be treated with dignity and respect. “