Protesters Urge D.C. Drivers To Boycott BP
After protests outside BP's D.C. headquarters and the White House in recent weeks, the organization Code Pink staged a demonstration in front of a D.C. based BP gas station Saturday with the goal of encouraging drivers to support a boycott against the company responsible for the oil spill in the Gulf Coast. Armed with banners and signs, the demonstrators blocked the driveway in to the station.
"One thing we're trying to do is to get people to stop from going in here," said Diane Wilson, a shrimper from Texas who co-found Code Pink. "There was a fellow just trying to turn in a little while ago and ... I was saying boycott BP and he shook his head, yelled ... squirreled around and left."
Added Wilson, "I hope he went to a different gas station."
During the last two weeks, Wilson has been arrested twice, most recently while disrupting BP CEO Tony Hayward's testimony before Congress. This time she and Code Pink hope that the local protest will do more to hurt BP's pocketbook.
"We are hoping to economically impact BP. That is the way these guys ... listen to reason," said Wilson. "You impact them economically and then it kind of registers in their heads."
Demonstrators Protest Arizona Law Outside White House
By Linn Grubbstrom - Talk Radio News Service
Religious and immigrant rights activists gathered outside the White House Wednesday to urge the Obama administration to approach immigration reform and voice support for the Justice Department’s recent challenge of Arizona’s hardline immigration policy.
“The people here are gathered, in prayer, in peaceful protest, to urge the Obama administration and the federal government, one, to stop S.B.1070, the harsh discriminatory law in Arizona and two, to take responsibility for the mess that is the immigration system, to stop this chaos of 50 different states trying to pass 50 different immigration laws,” said Shuya Ohno, the Assistant Communications Director with the National Immigration Forum
Arizona’s immigration bill was signed into law on April 23rd. It allows law enforcement officials to request identification from those who they believe are in the country illegally. There has been six different lawsuits that have argued that the law is unconstitutional. The latest was filed Tuesday July 6th by the Department of Justice.