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Entries in Nevada (4)


Reid: Democrat’s Support of Specter is Not Conditional

By Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico – Talk Radio News Service

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
Photo by Michael Ruhl
According to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), the Democratic Leadership will stick by Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter through thick and thin. The remarks came at a power breakfast on Capitol Hill, where Reid addressed, among other things, Specter’s recent defection to the Democratic Party.

President Obama, Vice President Biden and Reid have all pledged to support Specter when he comes up for reelection in 2010. When asked today whether or not that support was dependent on Specter voting a certain way, Reid said that it wasn’t.

“I’m not going to be in a forever, never position, but the facts are that he’s going to vote with us most of the time,” Reid Said. “I can’t foresee him doing anything that would be so mean spirited that Obama, Biden, and Reid would turn against him.”

If Al Franken wins the Senate Seat in Minnesota, which is still being contested in court, Specter would be the 60th Democrat in Congress, the number needed to stop a Republican filibuster.

“I don’t think [Specter is] going to be an automatic vote, but I don’t have any automatic votes,” Reid said. He was referring to fears from the right that Specter will be the key vote in stifling Republican policy.

Critics believe that Specter is going to help the Democrats steamroll through radical legislation.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has called the filibuster-proof Senate a “threat to the country.” He it would allow the Democrats to “have whatever it wants, without restraint, without a check or a balance.”

Specter's defection became a reality when he was assured by Reid that his seniority in the Senate would not be compromised. Reid has publicly stated that no members of Congress will be “bumped” from a committee position to make room for Specter.

The deal struck regarding Specter’s seniority was that upon defecting, he would be treated as though he had been elected a Democrat in 1980.

Not this Congress, at least.

Reid left open the door to moving Specter up in the ranks next Congress, and said, “We’ll work something out,” adding that in every new session of Congress, committee positions are worked out at the beginning of the term and restructured as necessary, and that the next Congress will not be an exception.

Democrats: Obama gets an A, Republicans an F

by Christina Lovato, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service

Today marks President Obama’s 100th day in office and Democrats congratulated Obama but also took the chance to grade Republicans.

“Someone asked me what mark would I give the president in his first 100 days, I definitely give the president an A,” said Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Senator Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) also praised the president saying, “President Obama’s leadership has been like that of a world class chef. He is able to keep all these different, complicated, intricate issues cooking at once, giving steady attention to each without letting any of them boil over and so far the American people have
liked what he is serving up.”

During the conference both Democrats and Republicans were voting on the budget blueprint and Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said that with the president’s support and signature, good things will come.

“We’re creating and saving millions of jobs for those who face a losing paycheck in the time when they need one the most. With his help we guaranteed equal pay for millions of American workers and guaranteed healthcare for millions of American children. With his leadership we’re cutting taxes for hard working families, we’re investing in affordable healthcare, clean energy and education, and we’re punishing the predators who take advantage of those desperate just to hold on to their homes,” said Reid.

Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) called the Obama administration’s first 100 days a “model of forceful, coordinated action” and said that Obama has worked with Congress to meet challenges “together.”

“We have not yet seen as positive of a response as all of us would like but all of us including the president, will continue to be reaching across that aisle.... The Republican party by contrast unfortunately has continued to live down to its reputation as the party of no,” said Hoyer.

Reid also expressed his disappointment in the Republicans saying that it would have been good for the country if they had chosen to work with the Democrats and said that Democrats will continue to “extend an open hand across the aisle.”

“We still reserve Republicans a seat at the table. We want together, Democrats and Republicans, to put the jobless back to work, and make sure that those who need care the most can afford to stay healthy. We want to work not as partisans but as partners to preserve the American dream, but what will endure will define this Congress and this presidency is how we will choose to write the next story, the next part of the story of our recovery, of our prosperity and our security,” said Reid.

Schumer said that President Obama has given confidence back to America and that his 100th day doesn’t mark the end to his momentum.

“The president is smart, active, moderate and caring, just what the country needs.... He’s placed this country on the right track and we all look forward to working with him and our colleagues to continue to move the country forward,” concluded Schumer.

Specter’s Spectacle

By Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico – Talk Radio News Service

Arlen Specter
Senator Arlen Specter
Photo by Michael Ruhl
Senator Arlen Specter (Penn.) says that he left the Republican Party because they had stuck their nose into party affairs to the point of breeding extremism. Ironically the Democrats are doing the exact same thing to their newest member. Micromanaging from the highest level doesn’t seem to be exclusive to the Republicans.

Yesterday Specter walked away from the party he has been with for nearly four decades, because he felt they were ignoring moderate voice. Specter announced his decision to defect to the Democratic Party, only the twenty-first time that a Senator has done such a thing since 1890.

President Barack Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) have both said they will fully support Specter in his 2010 election, but Congressman Joe Sestak (D-Penn.) was not sure that the party establishment should be backing Specter in this way.

“If decisions and candidates are being chosen in Washington, you may just reemphasize that divisive barrier that’s between the parties,” Sestak said. “I think we cannot afford to have a decision that is so important to Pennsylvanians be decided by the party establishment,” and that the voters should be the ones to choose their candidate.

Sestak is rumored to be considering running for the Pennsylvania Senate seat, and would come up against Specter in the Democratic primary. When asked directly, Sestak said he had not decided yet whether or not he would run. Another contender, Representative Allyson Schwartz (D-Penn.) said today that she would not run for the seat.

The republican response has ranged from anger to confusion. Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steel likened Specter to Benedict Arnold.

“Clearly, this was an act based on political expediency by a craven politician desperate to keep his Washington power base - not the act of a statesman,” Steel said. “Arlen Specter handed Barack Obama and his band of radical leftists nearly absolute power in the United States Senate.”

Specter responded, “I have not represented the Republican Party, I have represented the people of Pennsylvania.” He was referencing the fact that in the past months there has been an exodus from the Republican Party in Pennsylvania, where over 100,000 individuals changed their party registration from Republican to Democrat.

Specter is defending his position as being one of riding with the tides of his constituency, instead of bowing to the will of a national political party. Critics see it as a survival move of a desperate politician.

Speaking today with President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden, Specter said that staying in the Senate would allow him to carry forward important initiatives for his constituents, speaking specifically about expanding medical research.

Specter would prove to be the 60 Democrat in the Senate, provided that comedian Al Franken prevails in his court case for the Minnesota Senate. Sixty votes, called a supermajority, is enough to override a Republican filibuster. Specter said previously, though, that he was not going to simply back the Democrats automatically, and President Obama acknowledged that, saying, “I don’t expect Arlen to be a rubber stamp.” According to Obama, he and Specter agree in the areas of health care, education, medical research

Obama-Biden campaign leads with early voters

The Obama-Biden campaign today announced a very confident and committed position in the presidential election. With several million volunteers around the country. the Obama-Biden campaign manager, David Plouffe, said “we like what we’re seeing in all the states with the early vote.”

Today the campaign released two 30 second TV ads in Arizona, North Dakota and Georgia. Plouffe said that even though the McCain-Palin campaign has criticized the Obama-Biden campaign about heavy advertising, “the McCain spending levels this week have been quite high. In the Tampa market, they’re spending over 5,000 points of television, which may be the most amount of television ever bought in a political race.”

Through advertising, voter contact, and resources, Plouffe said he feels the Obama-Biden campaign is doing everything they need to do in the swing-states. Plouffe also said the campaign is organizing polling information at popular locations that youths hang out at in the swing states.

Plouffe said that in the tossup state of Nevada, 43% of democrats voting early are new or sporadic. In North Carolina, 19% of democrats voting early never voted in an election before. In Florida, 1/4 of sporadic voting democrats have voted early. Plouffe said the campaign is putting special focus on voters who recently committed to Obama, because they’re known as “sticky” and still vulnerable to vote for McCain. Even though the campaign feels confident in their state of the race, Plouffe said this does not take away from “the fierce urgency of trying to win Colorado, New Mexico, Virginia, Florida, and Ohio.”