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GOP wants Obama position on AIG bailout

"He has no credibility in his promises," said Senior Policy Advisor of the McCain-Palin 2008 campaign, Doug Holtz-Eakin during a conference call today, discussing Barack Obama's economic leadership. According to Holtz, Obama voted 94 times for higher taxes in the Senate but suddenly changing his opinion saying that he will only raise tax barriers for people with higher income. Holtz said that McCain on the other hand have studied the current economic crisis closely.

According to Rep. Eric Cantor (R-V.Wa.), Obama has not made a clear stand point on the insurance company American International Group (AIG) latest financial difficulties. Cantor said that McCain believes this is a extreme situation and does not want to put American taxpayers money into privately owned industries that are faltering, but believes this will protect taxpayers dollars in the end.

"This is a loan to AIG, not a bailout," said Cantor.

"This is an election that will be decided based upon leadership," said Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) According to Burr, Obama is taking no position on what needs to be done to address issues similar to the government assistance of AIG. Burr said that Obama needs to take a stance because of the financial sector's major impact on Americans as employees and customers.