Mitt Romney: Obama will not win Michigan
As the 2008 presidential election is in it's final stage, former Governor Mitt Romney put faith in the people of Michigan claiming that they will realize that the McCain-Palin ticket is the right one to vote for. "I'm convinced that Michiganders will take a good look at John McCain's position and contrast that with Barack Obama's," Romney said during a press conference call focusing on the Obama campaign's visit to the state. "Senator McCain's prescription for strengthening our housing-market and for strengthening our economy is right," Romney said.
According to Romney, Michigan will be a "winnable state" for Sen. John McCain, saying Obama's regular visits to the state shows his insecurity in wining Michigan. "I think it's a 'must-win' state for Barack Obama, and that's why he's gonna keep coming back and back, trying to nail it down," Romney said. Romney claimed that while Obama wants to expand government spending, McCain is a strong opponent to extensive government spending.
Romney highlighted that raising taxes during the current financial crisis on Wall Street, will not help recovering the economy. According to Romney, Obama's policies will guarantee that America will continue to spend billions of dollars on energy importation, stating it will potentially contribute to even higher gasoline prices.
"His policy saying no to clean coal, no to nuclear and no to drilling, is a policy doomed in my view," Romney said. According to Romney, the Michigan people just need to focus on the presidential candidates policies to find the candidate that will benefit Michigan the most
According to Romney, Michigan will be a "winnable state" for Sen. John McCain, saying Obama's regular visits to the state shows his insecurity in wining Michigan. "I think it's a 'must-win' state for Barack Obama, and that's why he's gonna keep coming back and back, trying to nail it down," Romney said. Romney claimed that while Obama wants to expand government spending, McCain is a strong opponent to extensive government spending.
Romney highlighted that raising taxes during the current financial crisis on Wall Street, will not help recovering the economy. According to Romney, Obama's policies will guarantee that America will continue to spend billions of dollars on energy importation, stating it will potentially contribute to even higher gasoline prices.
"His policy saying no to clean coal, no to nuclear and no to drilling, is a policy doomed in my view," Romney said. According to Romney, the Michigan people just need to focus on the presidential candidates policies to find the candidate that will benefit Michigan the most
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ACORN target to season of mud-slinging
According to Rapoport, allegations and fraud should be investigated and prosecuted if needed. “... The actual incident of [voting fraud] is so small, that to use it as an excuse to try to discourage people.. I think is a serious disservice to our democracy,” Rapoport said. He highlighted that the voting registration fraud issue should be taken seriously but not “blown out of proportion”.
According to Kevin Whelan, spokesman for ACORN, the organization took responsibility for the applications they suspected were invalid and incorrect also admitting it was unacceptably high amount of applications with problems.
As recent as in 2006, Sen. John McCain supported ACORN and the organizations efforts in registering new voters, now saying he instead oppose them. According to Reverend Gloria Swierenga, President, Maryland ACORN, the organization has been a target to a “season of mud-slinging” saying that they are fully aware of the possibility of errors in the voting process. “When we explain to people; this is how you can help build an America that is truly one nation... I think most people take that seriously. ”I think the Pailn-campaign speaks for itself,” Swierenga said.