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Entries in Lee Terry (3)


Energy and Commerce Committee Finalizes Health Care Reform Mark-up 

By Joseph Russell- Talk Radio News Service

The House Energy and Commerce Committee finalized a key mark-up on health care reform just hours before the House's summer recess began. However, despite hours of deliberation on the legislation that commenced Thursday evening, continued well past midnight Friday, and resumed during the day on Friday, the committee made no significant changes.

This upset GOP committee members, whose proposed amendments that were aimed at stripping the President's much-desired public option from the plan, were rejected.

Other Republican amendments, including provisions that would encourage citizens to live healthy lifestyles and would provide Americans access to the same insurance plans that members of Congress enjoy, were also thrown out.

Rep. Lee Terry (R-Neb.) said there is no reason for Congress not to offer ordinary citizens the same health insurance it has access to. "We've got competition, we've got affordability, we've got choice," Terry said. "Those are the things that I want and Republicans want for our constituents."

The complete House health care bill will not be voted on until members return from summer break in September.

The fate of the bill, which proposes establishing a government-run health care system as a means of competing with the nation's private health care industry, is unknown. However, GOP'ers and Blue Dog Democrats plan on using the next month to guage their constituents' feelings about the plan.

Terry: Obama's speech was inspirational 

By Candyce Torres and Suzia van Swol, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service
Congressman Lee Terry (R-Neb.) says that when it comes to being energy independent, President Obama was "dead on" during his Address to Congress. Terry went on to say that, "He missed some details in there, didn't talk about nuclear power, which is the cleanest most efficient power out there." He continued to say that overall it was a "very good, inspirational speech." (0:51)

Rep. Terry: "hot air" from democrats could heat our homes

"Animals are getting under the Alaska pipeline to keep warm!" Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) said this afternoon in defense of opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for oil drilling. Republicans joined Burton on the floor of the US House of Representatives today to continue their push for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to call an emergency session of Congress.

Burton also expressed a sense of urgency for Americans to find energy independence. "If you think the Saudis are our friend, you've got another thing coming," he said. Rep. Lee Terry (R-Neb.) echoed Burton's sentiments, also calling out proposed solutions from the Democrats as "hot air". "We could probably make ourselves energy independent right there," he said. "If we use the hot air from the Democrats to heat our homes."

In regards to Speaker Pelosi and her decision to call for a 5 week recess in light of sky-high fuel prices, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said, "I know she didn't mean to do this, but our Speaker is the best friend OPEC's got."