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Entries in Laura Woodhead (24)


Stop Investing In Developing Nations' Coal Power Plants Or Face Drastic Consequences, Say Environmental Experts

By Laura Woodhead - Talk Radio News Service

A panel of environmental experts argued Thursday that industrialized nations need to stop investing in coal powered power plants in developing nations or risk grave global environmental consequences.

Bruce Rick, Senior Counsel for International Finance and Development at the Environmental Defense Fund, maintained that the issue is not the sovereign right of developing nations to decide what energy investments they want, but the role that developed countries should play in encouraging non - developed countries to adopt renewable energy policies.

"If we cant reverse the increasing carbonization of the world's energy sources...the entire rich industrialized world could reduce their CO₂ emissions to 0 by 2030, and if the current investment trends continue, the world would still over shoot what is considered dangerous global warming" said Rick during a discussion on "The International Public Financing of Coal in a Carbon Constrained World" with the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EEIS)

The panel also discussed the health risks posed by the increasing investment in coal powered plants. While acknowledging the health benefits that electricity can bring to non-developed nations, John M Balbus M.D MPH said that between 6000 and 10,700 deaths annually could be specifically attributed to the 88 power plants funded by developed nations over the past 15 years, causing a "hidden ongoing toll of death and disease."

Director of Environmental Department at the World Bank, Warren Evans, acknowledged the pivotal role that many US investors play in the climate change debate, but said it was important to keep these issues within their social and economic perspectives.

"[For many nations it is] simply a choice between growth and clean up later or no growth at all" Evans said. The Director added that it is important for the U.S. to assume a strong leadership role in the quest for low carbon emissions across the world.


France's Re-Entry Into NATO Is No "Trojan Horse," Say Experts

By Laura Woodhead - Talk Radio News Service

A panel of foreign affairs experts argued Tuesday that France's re-entry into the Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization's military command is not a "Trojan Horse" plot to undermine the power of NATO. Speaking at the Atlantic Council's discussion "Going from Oui to fait Accompli: France's Normalization with NATO" the panel discussed the key role that France will play in bringing together the European Union and the United States within NATO.

Leo Michel, a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies, says the idea that France's re-involvement in NATO will allow them to undermine the organization is ridiculous.

"This is a win, win outcome. It is not cover for some a nefarious French plot to hobble NATO."

"French reintegration is a vote of confidence in the trans-Atlantic community and provides an example to the rest of the Europe of a common effort towards meeting challenges coming at us" explained Jim Townsend, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO policy.

However, the panel stressed that France's new role did not mean that the relationship between France and the United States would be "simple and easy."

" There are some in town that think that the clouds are going to open and rainbows are going to appear and all of a sudden divisions after division of French forces are going to flow into the NATO system...that is just not realistic." However, Townsend added, "The addition of French strategic thought back into NATO military command...will be a tremendous plus for the alliance."


Iranians' Use of Social Media Shows New Political Power Of The Web, Says Expert

By Laura Woodhead - Talk Radio News Service

The Iranian protester's that are using social networking sites such as Twitter are demonstrating "the empowerment of e-democracy for the first time" according to Ravi Singh, CEO and founder of ElectionMall Inc.

Singh, whose technology company provides, as he describes it, a "one stop shop for political campaigns to generate awareness over the web", feels that the use of social networking as a tool for political change is a "historic development" that shows the "merger of technology, social media and politics."

"What we are seeing right now is a phenomenal behavior where people have become educated with these new tools, " said Singh. He added that this new form of media is "in essence the new weapon for democracy, literally causing an e-revoloution on the ground."

"A true internet revolution can only happen when we actually see a grassroots participation in those countries, and what we are seeing is a new kind of grassroots which is basically being empowered by the internet."

Responding to a question regarding the authenticity of some social networking media, Singh acknowledged that this is a concern.

"Content is being questioned because we have no kind of validation...there has to be some kind of third party validation and I think what we will have to do is not 'best practices' but some kind of ethical standards on what we will take as true and right in real time"

"I would encourage the founders of Twitter to think of authenticating some of the content that is going on as well as the validity of the profiles. Unfortunately technology companies do not really think about how there applications will change the world" he said.

You can listen to an clip from Talk Radio News Service's interview with Ravi Singh by clicking the audio link. (0:34)

Thousands Gather To Support Immediate Action On Health Care Reform

By Laura Woodhead - Talk Radio News Service
Supporters of President Obama’s health care plan rallied on Capitol Hill Thursday, to press for immediate action on health care reform. Organized by the Health Care for America Now! Coalition (HCAN), the "We Can’t Wait ’09" rally brought together 10,000 health care activists from across the country to pressure Congress into taking significant action on health reform by the end of the year.

Joining those in attendance were actress Edie Falco, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). and former Vermont Governor Howard Dean.

Said Dean, “The American public deserve the choice of whether to continue with what they have or if they want to try something different.”

Added Senator Schumer, “You being here will make sure that we hold everyone in that building’s [the Capitol’s] feet to the fire,” bringing the enthused crowd to cheers.

Gary Zuckett, Executive Director of the West Virginia Citizen Action Group, asserted that the issue of health care was literally a matter of life and death for many Americans, calling the current system a “national disgrace.” He added that Republicans need to decide whether to “get out of the way or be run over” by the sheer force of the public's call for health care reform.
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