Boehner Slams Democratic Agenda As Recess Approaches
By Learned Foote- Talk Radio News Service
House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) criticized Democratic priorities over the past few months, including the stimulus plan, the cap-and-trade bill, and the ongoing debate over health care reform, during a press conference Thursday.
Rep. Boehner also argued that legislation is being passed too quickly in Congress. When asked whether he has read every bill during his time in Congress, he admitted that he “may not have read every word in every bill,” but claimed that he tried to understand all of the legislation he supported. He said that during his time as Majority Leader, the Republicans always allowed bills to remain under consideration for at least 24 hours before a vote.
Rep. Boehner dismissed a compromise recently reached by conservative and progressive members of the Democratic Congress over health care legislation, and predicted that Americans would pressure their elected representatives to reject the legislation over the summer recess.
Citing multiple polls, Rep. Boehner argued that most Americans do not support health care reforms being advanced by the Obama administration and Congress. “This isn’t about Republicans,” said Boehner. “This is the American people’s opposition that is growing.” He argued that the “American public doesn’t want the government involved and delivering their health care.”
Rep. Boehner acknowledged that some private sector associations support the proposed health care reform legislation, but said that “privately they have serious concerns.” He said that there is “muted opposition from the lobbyist groups because they basically have got a foot in each camp.”
“None of the committee chairman that are writing this bill have any private sector experience....for that matter, neither does the president,” said Rep. Boehner.
House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) criticized Democratic priorities over the past few months, including the stimulus plan, the cap-and-trade bill, and the ongoing debate over health care reform, during a press conference Thursday.
Rep. Boehner also argued that legislation is being passed too quickly in Congress. When asked whether he has read every bill during his time in Congress, he admitted that he “may not have read every word in every bill,” but claimed that he tried to understand all of the legislation he supported. He said that during his time as Majority Leader, the Republicans always allowed bills to remain under consideration for at least 24 hours before a vote.
Rep. Boehner dismissed a compromise recently reached by conservative and progressive members of the Democratic Congress over health care legislation, and predicted that Americans would pressure their elected representatives to reject the legislation over the summer recess.
Citing multiple polls, Rep. Boehner argued that most Americans do not support health care reforms being advanced by the Obama administration and Congress. “This isn’t about Republicans,” said Boehner. “This is the American people’s opposition that is growing.” He argued that the “American public doesn’t want the government involved and delivering their health care.”
Rep. Boehner acknowledged that some private sector associations support the proposed health care reform legislation, but said that “privately they have serious concerns.” He said that there is “muted opposition from the lobbyist groups because they basically have got a foot in each camp.”
“None of the committee chairman that are writing this bill have any private sector experience....for that matter, neither does the president,” said Rep. Boehner.
Republican Leadership Welcomes Obama Back To Congress, Offers Stern Warnings
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said during a press conference Wednesday that they look forward to welcoming back President Barack Obama to the Capitol tonight and hope that he's been paying attention to public opinion. Leader Boehner concluded that after listening to his constituents during the August recess, "the American people want the current [health care] system to work better, but they don’t want big government to run it.”
McConnell also asked for a bi-partisan agreement on the final legislation, but voiced his opposition to any health care bill that raises taxes or takes from medicare.
McConnell also addressed the need for Insurance reform, which he said most Republican members are in agreement towards, with respect to pre-existing conditions, interstate competition and portability.
Leader Boehner stated that the aim of the President's joint address may be to, “double down and put lipstick on this pig”.
Rep. Dr. Charles Boustany (R-La.) has been selected for tonight's republican response. Boustany has worked for twenty years as a cardiac surgeon.