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Entries in john boehner (69)


House Republicans demand vote from Pelosi at RNC

House Republicans held a press conference today calling for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to allow a vote on comprehensive energy reform. Speakers said the Republican strategy would solve America's energy crisis by developing renewable and alternative fuels, using clean coal and nuclear energy, and increasing the levels of American-produced oil and gas.

Rep. Thad McCotter (R-Mich.) attacked the "do-nothing, don't-care" Congress via phone, saying Pelosi has allowed Congress to stay on vacation while the energy crisis remains unsolved.
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) outlined the Republican standpoint on energy, saying that "energy security is in effect national security." Boehner also said that revenues gained by the US government from increased oil exploration would be used to fund renewable sources of energy. He concluded his statement, asking Pelosi to "give [Congress] a chance to show the American people we can produce what they want."

Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) said that by 2030, America's energy needs will have increased by 30 to 40 percent. He adds that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has discussed the need to increase the US' nuclear energy supplies by 50% by that time, which the Arizona Senator believes would create 750,000 new jobs. "We cannot stay at home with [this] job undone," Upton said.

1.3 million Americans demand congress take action on oil

"Democrats in the House and Senate have stood in the way of more American made energy" said House minority leader John Boehner (R-Ohio). "That's why almost 70% of our oil that we use everyday has to be imported." Boehner and other top Republicans spoke at a press conference today to accept a petition from American Solutions signed by 1.3 million Americans. The petition calls on congress to take action now to lower gas prices.

Boehner went on to say that the amount of oil imported by the United States continues to rise due to Democrats' continued opposition to drilling in ANWR and the outer continental shelf. He also dismissed biofuels and conservation as possible remedies, instead stating that more American made energy, including nuclear power, is a better solution.

House minority whip Roy Blunt (R-MO.) stated that he and his fellow Republicans have asked Democrats to bring legislation to the floor that would provide American solutions to rising oil prices, yet we still see no action. He also pointed out that no other nation in the world possesses deep water oil sources and chooses not to extract them but the United States. He ended by challenging the Democratic leadership from both the House and Senate to respond to the 1.3 million Americans who have signed the petition.

Republicans have "answers" to rising gas prices 

In a press conference regarding gas prices, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY.) said that the Republican Party is committed to creating more American energy in order to lower gas prices. He criticized Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama and his stance on gas prices. He said that apparently Senator Obama is not concerned about the rising gas prices, only the fact that they rose so abruptly. McConnell said that lowering gas prices in the America is a top priority for the Republican Party.

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH.) said that the U.S. must produce more oil in an environmentally friendly way. He said that the Democrats who run the Senate are not allowing sensible bills to be brought to the floor. He said that Democratic Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid (D-NY.) is taking partisan advantage in the Senate and it is making it impossible for Republicans to introduce legislation.

Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tex.) said that the Republican Party is prepared to act on lower gas prices, with an understanding that the issue involves supply, demand, and conservation. He said that most Republican senators voted for higher fuel efficiency standards, which according to Alexander, is essential to lowering gas prices.

House Republicans want to deliver “real change” for a “broken Washington”

House Republican Conference Chairman Adam Putnam (R-Fla.) said in a pen and pad briefing that the focus this week for House Republicans has been on short and long term solutions to make energy more secure. He says Americans recognize that Washington, D.C. is “broken” because they are paying 1.50 dollars more than they were at the beginning of the 110th Congress.

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said the House will go on recess for Memorial Day without having completed a troop funding bill, a Columbia free trade bill, or a real plan to lower gas prices. He said that Republicans have been calling for an increase in domestic oil production for some time and for further interest into alternative fuels, such as biofuel and nuclear power. He feels that Americans believe that the United States can safely produce more oil.

Boehner said that General Petraeus had a good plan in Iraq, that the troops have done well, and that Iraqi troops have come a long way. He said Democrats have no choice but to admit “a lot of success” in Iraq. Putnam said that the Iraqi “hands on leadership style” brought factions together and might lead to broader participation in elections.

Putnam said Republican leadership has set a new standard on earmarks, and is holding the line on “ramping up” domestic spending. Boehner said the loss of three Republican seats in the House has helped the party learn how to set up for elections in the Fall. He said he is focusing on having successful elections in November, and does not have time to think about what will happen after the elections.
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