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Entries in john boehner (69)


Boehner on President’s budget: It is time for a do-over 

By Suzia van Swol-University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) spoke today about the news conference President Obama will hold this evening. A lot of Americans believe that our economy is in a crisis and they are looking to Washington for solutions, said Boehner. “I believe that Republicans are offering better ideas to the president in hopes of building a better budget.”

Republicans plan to release an alternative budget sometime next week and Boehner said that, “Our alternative will create jobs by allowing American families and small businesses to keep more of what they earn.” He went on to explain that it will ensure that the federal budget doesn’t grow faster than the family budget as well as expand access to healthcare while preserving Social Security and Medicare and reform the financial system.

“This isn’t the first time we’ve offered better solutions, and the resident knows that,” stated Boehner. He explained that he and Congressman Eric Cantor (R-Va.) personally delivered the president a stimulus proposal at the White House in January, “and what was the response? The White House pretended they never even saw it,” said Boehner.

Boehner said that the president’s budget spends too much, taxes too much, and borrows too much from our kids and grandkids. In a time when our economy is in serious recession, “I think Americans deserve better,” stated Boehner.

Boehner said that the President’s budget hurts our economy and destroys the very jobs that we are trying to save and create. “It includes irresponsible levels of spending reaching 5.1 trillion (dollars) ten years out,” and it doubles the debt on our kids and grandkids over the next six years said Boehner.

“I just think that this may be the most irresponsible piece of legislation I’ve seen in my legislative career,” and “It is time for a do-over,” concluded Boehner.

“Have They No Shame?”

Coffee Brown, University of New Mexico, Talk Radio News

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer expressed the “outrage that all Americans feel” at AIG executives taking large bonuses on taxpayer money. “These people tried to separate risk from responsibility,” he said, but he was unsure whether there was any legal way to reclaim the money. “The right question is, how can they take these bonuses? Have they no shame? No sense of decency?” The right thing, he continued, would be for them to return the bonuses.
“They thought they would never have to pay the piper. The piper is being paid; not by them, but by the taxpayers,” he finished.

Hoyer also criticized a remark by former Vice President Dick Cheney two days ago that,”I don’t think you can blame the Bush administration for the creation of those (economic) circumstances.” Hoyer provided various quotes from Cheney, House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, Republican Leader John Boehner, and former President George Bush to the effect that Republicans were not responsible for the current financial crisis.

“The last administration started with a January growth of 164,000 jobs. The Obama administration took over in a January that lost 351,000 jobs,” he said. Hoyer contrasted the $5.6 trillion surplus that Bush started with against the $4.5 trillion deficit that Obama inherited. “It’s mind-boggling that the former vice president simply said, ‘well, it’s not our fault.’”


Boehner: President makes Bush look like a piker 

By Suzia van Swol, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service
At a weekly press session, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH), said that there has been too much Republican spending over the last few years but; "If you begin to look at what has happened over the last month, and what's being proposed in the budget, the President is beginning to make [Former] President Bush look like a piker."

Boehner said that the House Democrats would pass a $410 billion appropriations bill, which is eight percent above last years levels and he stated that, “I think we just ought to admit that we are broke, and we can’t continue to pile debt on the backs of our kids and grandkids.” He went on the say that we can’t tax and spend our way to prosperity and that, “the era of big governments is back, and the democrats are asking you to pay for it.” He stated that everyone will pay higher taxes under the President’s plan.

Boehner says that the American people want healthcare at an affordable price but they don’t want the government to tell them what patient/doctor relationships should be.
“They put all this money in the stimulus bill so that they could do comparative analysis; A way of government beaurocrats looking at treatments that patients get and trying to determine which ones are more effective than others. In other words, getting ready to tell doctors and patients that this is the cure, regardless of what the doctor may think.”

Boehner: President makes Bush look like a piker

By Suzia van Swol, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service
At a weekly press session, John Boehner (R-OH) says that there has been too much Republican spending over the last few years but, "if you begin to look at what has happened over the last month, and what's being proposed in the budget, the President is beginning to make President Bush look like a piker."

Congressional leaders praise new Capitol Visitor Center

The new Capitol Visitor Center (CVC) will be a "wonderful experience" for tourists according to Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). Reid said that because of the CVC, "the people's temple shines brighter than ever before."

At the opening ceremony for the CVC today, Reid remarked that he had contemplated overhauling the east side of the Capitol (where the CVC is located underground) since the 1960's. He said he felt, "we need to do something about this ugly East Front of the Capitol." He felt that while construction "went very slowly," the completed CVC is "really terrific."

Reid also said that before the five-acre CVC, visitors of the Capitol "had to depend on tour guides." A 13-minute video in the CVC will allow visitors to learn about the history and power of the Capitol.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) stated that "environmentally friendly initiatives" have been added to the CVC. Pelosi added that the creation of the CVC embodies the U.S. ability to "adapt" and will inspire citizens and congressmen alike "to write new chapters in our nation's history."

Minority Leader of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) said the CVC will help visitors avoid inclement weather and stay out of long lines. He claimed the CVC acknowledges the "spiritual heritage" of the U.S. Boehner added that the CVC will "begin a new era" in the existence of the Capitol.

Minority Leader of the Senate Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said the opening of the CVC was important because the Capitol should be "no less meaningful than the document that established it." He was very happy with how the CVC turned out, saying it was finished due to "the work of many heads and many hands."