“Have They No Shame?”
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 5:51PM
Talk Radio News Service (Admin) in AIG bonuses, AIG executives, Coffee Brown, Congress, Dick Cheney, Eric Cantor, Former Vice-President, George Bush, House Majority Leader, News/Commentary, University of New Mexico, john boehner, obama, steny hoyer, talk radio news
Coffee Brown, University of New Mexico, Talk Radio News
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer expressed the “outrage that all Americans feel” at AIG executives taking large bonuses on taxpayer money. “These people tried to separate risk from responsibility,” he said, but he was unsure whether there was any legal way to reclaim the money. “The right question is, how can they take these bonuses? Have they no shame? No sense of decency?” The right thing, he continued, would be for them to return the bonuses.
“They thought they would never have to pay the piper. The piper is being paid; not by them, but by the taxpayers,” he finished.
Hoyer also criticized a remark by former Vice President Dick Cheney two days ago that,”I don’t think you can blame the Bush administration for the creation of those (economic) circumstances.” Hoyer provided various quotes from Cheney, House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, Republican Leader John Boehner, and former President George Bush to the effect that Republicans were not responsible for the current financial crisis.
“The last administration started with a January growth of 164,000 jobs. The Obama administration took over in a January that lost 351,000 jobs,” he said. Hoyer contrasted the $5.6 trillion surplus that Bush started with against the $4.5 trillion deficit that Obama inherited. “It’s mind-boggling that the former vice president simply said, ‘well, it’s not our fault.’”
Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (http://www.talkradionews.com/).
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