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Entries in john boehner (69)


Boehner: Health Care Debate Is Far From Over

By Chingyu Wang-Talk Radio News Service

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) stated Thursday that the ongoing debate over health care reform is "far from over," despite indications that Democrats intend to move forward with legislation in the coming weeks.

"This debate is far from over. Republicans are going to continue to stand with the American people against this job killing, massive government takeover of our health care system," said Boehner. "This does not have to become law; They are not there yet."

The Minority Leader also expressed concern over the jobs bill, saying that it was "outrageous" for Democrats to bring the legislation to the floor without proper time for review. He added that he assumes the health care bill might be handled in a similar manner.

The Ohio Democrat also raised the issue of the rising deficit, and charged Obama with not listening to Republican solutions for spending.

"The president has not responded [to the proposal,]" said Boehner. "America is broke. The Democrats' spending binge is mortgaging the future of our kids and grand-kids."

House Majority Leader Always Hopeful For Bipartisan Agreement

By Laurel Brishel Prichard University of New Mexico/ Talk Radio News Service

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), said Tuesday that the meeting he attended earlier that morning with President Barack Obama and other Congressional leaders left him feeling hopeful that the U.S. would soon be moving forward with a bipartisan jobs bill, a commission to help manage the deficit and a solution to the ever-lasting issue of health care reform.

“There was general agreement that getting lending moving to small businesses was absolutely essential if we are going to allow them to grow and grow jobs,” said Hoyer during a briefing with reporters.

Hoyer said that Obama has high expectations that both House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will appoint members to the proposed fiscal commission that would represent their party's views fairly. The commission would be structured in a way that appointees will have to receive bipartisan approval.

“This is going to be very, very tough,” noted Hoyer.

Although health care reform appears to be at a stand still, Hoyer explained that there was a “tip of the hat to working together" from both parties.

Later this month, Obama will be holding a televised health care summit. Leaders from both parties have been invited to attend.

Hoyer also expressed his sorrow over the passing of Rep. John Murtha (D-Penn.), who died Monday, and praised the Pennsylvanian Democrat for his service to the country.

Boehner Will Back $250 To Seniors If It Comes From Stimulus Funds 

Travis Martinez, University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Thursday that he would support the recent announcement by the White House to provide senior citizens with a check for $250 if the move was payed for with Recovery Act funds.

“The stimulus bill is not working,” said Boehner during a press briefing. “If we’re going provide this benefit to our seniors, why don’t we take it from stimulus funds that clearly aren’t getting the job done?”

The White House suggested the $250 early Wednesday to counter the lack of a cost of living increase in funds received by Social Security recipients.

Boehner was joined Thursday by Senate Minoirty Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who disparaged the direction the health care debate has taken.

McConnell called upon his Democratic colleagues to slow down the health care reform process, pointing to the length of time it took the Senate to tackle other crucial issues.

“Some would argue that [health care reform] is a bigger issue than No Child Left Behind. We spent seven weeks on that,” McConnell said. “Some would argue that this is a bigger issue than Energy, we spent eight weeks on that.”

Boehner: Public Option As Unpopular As A Garlic Milkshake 

Justin Duckham-Talk Radio News Service

Republicans have attacked the public option with phrases like “death panels” and “government takeover," but House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) invoked a new term Thursday: “garlic milkshake.”

“I’m still trying to find the first American to talk to who is in favor of the public option,” Boehner said during a press conference. “This is about as unpopular as a garlic milkshake.”

“I haven’t tried it,” Boehner added.

The Minority Leader criticized a number of other items ranked high on Congressional Democrats’ agenda, including cap-and-trade legislation, which Boehner claimed would be a key contributors to job loss.

Boehner also touched upon the recent proposal from Rep. John Carter (R-Texas) to remove Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) from his chairmanship position with the House Ways and Means Committee.

“It’s improper for Chairman Rangel to remain in his position with all of the influence that he has while the serious allegations remain hanging,” Boehner said. “Given the severity of these charges, Democrat leaders should ask Chairman Rangel to step aside.”

The Ohio Republican took issue with President Barack Obama’s decision to travel to Copenhagen to rally support for bringing the Olympics to Chicago as well.

“While the President is in Copenhagen tomorrow, the American people are going to wake up and find out that hundreds and thousands of more Americans have lost their jobs,” said Boehner.

The Minority Leader reiterated his desire to have General Stanley McChrystal, who commands U.S. forces in Afghanistan, testify before Congress.

Boehner: House Vote Against ACORN Big Victory For Taxpayers

Travis Martinez, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) Thursday afternoon described the decision by the House to decline federal funding for the scandal ridden community organizing group ACORN as a significant victory for taxpayers.

"Today's overwhelming bipartisan vote to stop taxpayer funding to Acorn was a big victory... this is only the beginning," said Boehner.

ACORN came under scrutiny recently when a video surfaced depicting ACORN staffers aiding individuals posing as sex workers.
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